Thoroddur Bjarnason
Thoroddur Bjarnason
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The 2011 ESPAD Report. Substance Use Among Students in 36 European Countries. Tukholma: The Swedish Council for Information on Alcohol and other Drugs.
B Hibell, U Guttormsson, S Ahlström, O Balakireva, T Bjarnason, ...
The ESPAD report 2003
B Hibell, B Andersson, T Bjarnason, S Ahlström, O Balakireva, A Kokkevi, ...
The Swedish Council for Information on Alcohol and Other Drugs (CAN …, 2004
Fathering over time: What makes the difference?
J Aldous, GM Mulligan, T Bjarnason
Journal of Marriage and the Family, 809-820, 1998
Should I stay or should I go? Migration expectations among youth in Icelandic fishing and farming communities
T Bjarnason, T Thorlindsson
Journal of rural studies 22 (3), 290-300, 2006
Life satisfaction among children in different family structures: A comparative study of 36 western societies
T Bjarnason, P Bendtsen, AM Arnarsson, I Borup, RJ Iannotti, P Löfstedt, ...
Children & Society 26 (1), 51-62, 2012
The 1995 ESPAD report: alcohol and other drug use among students in 26 European countries
B Hibell, Þ Bjarnason
Swedish council for information on alcohol and other drugs, CAN, 1997
Hate crime reporting as a successful social movement outcome
R McVeigh, MR Welch, T Bjarnason
American Sociological Review 68 (6), 843-867, 2003
Screen-based activities and physical complaints among adolescents from the Nordic countries
T Torsheim, L Eriksson, CW Schnohr, F Hansen, T Bjarnason, R Välimaa
BMC public health 10, 1-8, 2010
Psychological distress during unemployment and beyond: social support and material deprivation among youth in six northern European countries
T Bjarnason, TJ Sigurdardottir
Social science & medicine 56 (5), 973-985, 2003
Joint physical custody and communication with parents: A cross-national study of children in 36 western countries
T Bjarnason, AM Amarsson
Journal of comparative family studies 42 (6), 871-890, 2011
Modeling Durkheim on the micro level: A study of youth suicidality
T Thorlindsson, T Bjarnason
American sociological review, 94-110, 1998
Individual and community processes of social closure: a study of adolescent academic achievement and alcohol use
T Thorlindsson, T Bjarnason, ID Sigfusdottir
Acta sociologica 50 (2), 161-178, 2007
Alcohol culture, family structure and adolescent alcohol use: multilevel modeling of frequency of heavy drinking among 15-16 year old students in 11 European countries.
T Bjarnason, B Andersson, M Choquet, Z Elekes, M Morgan, G Rapinett
Journal of studies on alcohol 64 (2), 200-208, 2003
“But everybody does it…”: The effects of perceptions, moral pressures, and informal sanctions on tax cheating
MR Welch, Y Xu, T Bjarnason, T Petee, P O'Donnell, P Magro
Sociological Spectrum 25 (1), 21-52, 2005
Family structure and adolescent cigarette smoking in eleven European countries
T Bjarnason, AG Davidaviciene, P Miller, A Nociar, A Pavlakis, E Stergar
Addiction 98 (6), 815-824, 2003
Administration mode bias in a school survey on alcohol, tobacco and illicit drug use
T Bjarnason
Addiction 90 (4), 555-559, 1995
Familial and religious influences on adolescent alcohol use: A multi-level study of students and school communities
T Bjarnason, T Thorlindsson, ID Sigfusdottir, MR Welch
Social forces 84 (1), 375-390, 2005
Multiple substance use and self-reported suicide attempts by adolescents in 16 European countries
A Kokkevi, C Richardson, D Olszewski, J Matias, K Monshouwer, ...
European child & adolescent psychiatry 21, 443-450, 2012
Parents, religion and perceived social coherence: A Durkheimian framework of adolescent anomie
T Bjarnason
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 742-754, 1998
Manifest predictors of past suicide attempts in a population of Icelandic adolescents
T Bjarnason, T Thorlindsson
Suicide and Life‐Threatening Behavior 24 (4), 350-358, 1994
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