Alexander Yu. Petrov
What is [mdash] and what is not [mdash] an optical isolator
D Jalas, A Petrov, M Eich, W Freude, S Fan, Z Yu, R Baets, M Popović, ...
Nature Photonics 7 (8), 579-582, 2013
Zero dispersion at small group velocities in photonic crystal waveguides
AY Petrov, M Eich
Applied Physics Letters 85 (21), 4866-4868, 2004
Controlling thermal emission with refractory epsilon-near-zero metamaterials via topological transitions
PN Dyachenko, S Molesky, AY Petrov, M Störmer, T Krekeler, S Lang, ...
Nature communications 7, 11809, 2016
Comment on “Nonreciprocal light propagation in a silicon photonic circuit”
S Fan, R Baets, A Petrov, Z Yu, JD Joannopoulos, W Freude, A Melloni, ...
Science 335 (6064), 38-38, 2012
Electro-optic modulation in slotted resonant photonic crystal heterostructures
JH Wülbern, J Hampe, A Petrov, M Eich, J Luo, AKY Jen, A Di Falco, ...
Applied Physics Letters 94 (24), 241107, 2009
Optical spectroscopy of single Si nanocylinders with magnetic and electric resonances
AB Evlyukhin, RL Eriksen, W Cheng, J Beermann, C Reinhardt, A Petrov, ...
Scientific reports 4, 4126, 2014
Metamaterial emitter for thermophotovoltaics stable up to 1400° C
M Chirumamilla, GV Krishnamurthy, K Knopp, T Krekeler, M Graf, D Jalas, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 7241, 2019
40 GHz electro-optic modulation in hybrid silicon–organic slotted photonic crystal waveguides
JH Wülbern, S Prorok, J Hampe, A Petrov, M Eich, J Luo, AKY Jen, ...
Optics letters 35 (16), 2753-2755, 2010
Electro-optical modulator in a polymer-infiltrated silicon slotted photonic crystal waveguide heterostructure resonator
JH Wülbern, A Petrov, M Eich
Optics Express 17 (1), 304-313, 2009
Optimized grating coupler with fully etched slots
B Schmid, A Petrov, M Eich
Optics express 17 (13), 11066-11076, 2009
Front-induced transitions
MA Gaafar, T Baba, M Eich, AY Petrov
Nature Photonics 13 (11), 737-748, 2019
Optically Induced Indirect Photonic Transitions in a Slow Light Photonic Crystal Waveguide
MC Muñoz, AY Petrov, L O’Faolain, J Li, TF Krauss, M Eich
Physical Review Letters 112 (5), 053904, 2014
Self‐Assembled Ultra High Strength, Ultra Stiff Mechanical Metamaterials Based on Inverse Opals
JJ do Rosário, ET Lilleodden, M Waleczek, R Kubrin, AY Petrov, ...
Advanced Engineering Materials 17 (10), 1420-1424, 2015
Photonic glass for high contrast structural color
G Shang, L Maiwald, H Renner, D Jalas, M Dosta, S Heinrich, A Petrov, ...
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 7804, 2018
Toward photonic crystal based spatial filters with wide angle ranges of total transmission
AE Serebryannikov, AY Petrov, E Ozbay
Applied Physics Letters 94 (18), 181101, 2009
Unprecedented thermal stability of plasmonic titanium nitride films up to 1400° C
T Krekeler, SS Rout, GV Krishnamurthy, M Störmer, M Arya, A Ganguly, ...
Advanced Optical Materials 9 (16), 2100323, 2021
Photonic glass based structural color
G Shang, M Eich, A Petrov
APL Photonics 5 (6), 060901, 2020
Backscattering and disorder limits in slow light photonic crystal waveguides
A Petrov, M Krause, M Eich
Optics express 17 (10), 8676-8684, 2009
Trimming of high-Q-factor silicon ring resonators by electron beam bleaching
S Prorok, AY Petrov, M Eich, J Luo, AKY Jen
Optics letters 37 (15), 3114-3116, 2012
Limit of efficiency of generation of hot electrons in metals and their injection inside a semiconductor using a semiclassical approach
E Blandre, D Jalas, AY Petrov, M Eich
ACS Photonics 5 (9), 3613-3620, 2018
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