Tommy Tanu Wijaya--陈明亮
analisis kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa kelas VIII pada materi himpunan
S Aminah, TT Wijaya
cendekia 1 (1), 15-22, 2018
Unlocking the potential: A comprehensive evaluation of augmented reality and virtual reality in education
MAM AlGerafi, Y Zhou, M Oubibi, TT Wijaya
Electronics 12 (18), 3953, 2023
Pengaruh self confidence terhadap kemampuan pemahaman matematik Siswa SMP
M Dini, TT Wijaya, AI Sugandi
JURNAL SILOGISME: Kajian Ilmu Matematika Dan Pembelajarannya 3 (1), 1-7, 2018
Indonesian students learning attitude towards online learning during the coronavirus pandemic
TT Wijaya, Y Zhou, A Purnama, N Hermita
Psychology, Evaluation, and Technology in Educational Research 3 (1), 17-25, 2020
A meta-analysis of Geogebra software decade of assisted mathematics learning: what to learn and where to go?
D Juandi, YS Kusumah, M Tamur, KS Perbowo, TT Wijaya
Heliyon 7 (5), 2021
Analisis kemampuan pemahaman matematis siswa kelas IX pada materi bangun ruang
TT Wijaya, NSS Dewi, IR Fauziah, M Afrilianto
Union 6 (1), 356809, 2018
Gender and self regulated learning during COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
TT Wijaya, Z Ying, L Suan
Jurnal basicedu 4 (3), 725-732, 2020
How chinese students learn mathematics during the coronavirus pandemic
TT Wijaya
IJERI: International Journal of Educational Research and Innovation, 1-16, 2021
Using hawgent dynamic mathematic software in teaching trigonometry
TT Wijaya, Z Ying, A Purnama
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (IJET) 15 (10 …, 2020
Pengembangan media pembelajaran berdasarkan konsep Tpack pada materi garis dan sudut menggunakan hawgent dynamic mathematics software
TT Wijaya, A Purnama, H Tanuwijaya
JPMI (Jurnal Pembelajaran Matematika Inovatif) 3 (3), 205-214, 2020
The effect of mathematical disposition and learning motivation on problem solving: an analysis
M Hutajulu, TT Wijaya, W Hidayat
Infinity Journal 8 (2), 229-238, 2019
Applying the UTAUT model to understand factors affecting micro-lecture usage by mathematics teachers in China
TT Wijaya, Y Cao, R Weinhandl, E Yusron, Z Lavicza
Mathematics 10 (7), 1008, 2022
Improving the creative thinking skills of the next generation of mathematics teachers using dynamic mathematics software
T Wijaya, Y Zhou, A Ware, N Hermita
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) 16 (13 …, 2021
Hawgent dynamic mathematic software as mathematics learning media for teaching quadratic functions Tommy
TT Wijaya, Z Ying, S Chotimah, M Bernard, Zulfah
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1592 (1), 012079, 2020
A meta-analysis of the effects of E-books on students' mathematics achievement
TT Wijaya, Y Cao, R Weinhandl, M Tamur
Heliyon 8 (6), 2022
Kemampuan penalaran matematis siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal literasi matematika kontekstual
R Vebrian, YY Putra, S Saraswati, TT Wijaya
AKSIOMA: Jurnal Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika 10 (4), 2602-2614, 2021
Analisis kemampuan berpikir kritis matematis siswa smp pada materi lingkaran dan bangun ruang sisi datar
DP Dewi, D Mediyani, W Hidayat, EE Rohaeti, TT Wijaya
JPMI (Jurnal Pembelajaran Matematika Inovatif) 2 (6), 371-378, 2019
Analysis on High School Students' Mathematical Creative Thinking Skills on the Topic of Sets
SI Kulsum, TT Wijaya, W Hidayat, J Kumala
Jurnal Cendekia 3 (2), 431-436, 2019
Developing an Interactive Mathematical Learning Media Based on the TPACK Framework Using the Hawgent Dynamic Mathematics Software
TT Wijaya, J Tang, A Purnama
Emerging Technologies in Computing, 318-328, 2020
Using hawgent dynamic mathematics software in teaching arithmetic operation
S Lin, Y Zhou, TT Wijaya
International Journal of Education and Learning 2 (1), 25-31, 2020
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