Mohammad A. Mandegar
Mohammad A. Mandegar
Gladstone Institutes / UCSF
Потвърден имейл адрес: gladstone.ucsf.edu
CRISPRi-based genome-scale identification of functional long noncoding RNA loci in human cells
SJ Liu, MA Horlbeck, SW Cho, HS Birk, M Malatesta, D He, FJ Attenello, ...
Science 355 (6320), eaah7111, 2017
Engineered human pluripotent-stem-cell-derived intestinal tissues with a functional enteric nervous system
MJ Workman, MM Mahe, S Trisno, HM Poling, CL Watson, N Sundaram, ...
Nature medicine 23 (1), 49-59, 2017
CRISPR interference efficiently induces specific and reversible gene silencing in human iPSCs
MA Mandegar, N Huebsch, EB Frolov, E Shin, A Truong, MP Olvera, ...
Cell stem cell 18 (4), 541-553, 2016
Human iPSC-based cardiac microphysiological system for drug screening applications
A Mathur, P Loskill, K Shao, N Huebsch, SG Hong, SG Marcus, N Marks, ...
Scientific reports 5 (1), 8883, 2015
Automated video-based analysis of contractility and calcium flux in human-induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes cultured over different spatial scales
N Huebsch, P Loskill, MA Mandegar, NC Marks, AS Sheehan, Z Ma, ...
Tissue Engineering Part C: Methods 21 (5), 467-479, 2015
Miniaturized iPS-cell-derived cardiac muscles for physiologically relevant drug response analyses
N Huebsch, P Loskill, N Deveshwar, CI Spencer, LM Judge, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 24726, 2016
Esophageal organoids from human pluripotent stem cells delineate Sox2 functions during esophageal specification
SL Trisno, KED Philo, KW McCracken, EM Catá, S Ruiz-Torres, ...
Cell stem cell 23 (4), 501-515. e7, 2018
A non-invasive platform for functional characterization of stem-cell-derived cardiomyocytes with applications in cardiotoxicity testing
M Maddah, JD Heidmann, MA Mandegar, CD Walker, S Bolouki, ...
Stem cell reports 4 (4), 621-631, 2015
Multi-imaging method to assay the contractile mechanical output of micropatterned human iPSC-derived cardiac myocytes
AJS Ribeiro, O Schwab, MA Mandegar, YS Ang, BR Conklin, D Srivastava, ...
Circulation research 120 (10), 1572-1583, 2017
Contractile deficits in engineered cardiac microtissues as a result of MYBPC3 deficiency and mechanical overload
Z Ma, N Huebsch, S Koo, MA Mandegar, B Siemons, S Boggess, ...
Nature biomedical engineering 2 (12), 955-967, 2018
Haploids adapt faster than diploids across a range of environments
AC Gerstein, LA Cleathero, MA Mandegar, SP Otto
Journal of evolutionary biology 24 (3), 531-540, 2011
A BAG3 chaperone complex maintains cardiomyocyte function during proteotoxic stress
LM Judge, JA Perez-Bermejo, A Truong, AJS Ribeiro, JC Yoo, CL Jensen, ...
JCI insight 2 (14), e94623, 2017
Mitotic recombination counteracts the benefits of genetic segregation
MA Mandegar, SP Otto
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 274 (1615), 1301-1307, 2007
An improved technique for chromosomal analysis of human ES and iPS cells
D Moralli, M Yusuf, MA Mandegar, S Khoja, ZL Monaco, EV Volpi
Stem Cell Reviews and Reports 7, 471-477, 2011
Deep profiling reveals substantial heterogeneity of integration outcomes in CRISPR knock-in experiments
H Canaj, JA Hussmann, H Li, KA Beckman, L Goodrich, NH Cho, YJ Li, ...
BioRxiv, 841098, 2019
A model of the evolution of dichogamy incorporating sex‐ratio selection, anther‐stigma interference, and inbreeding depression
RD Sargent, MA Mandegar, SP Otto
Evolution 60 (5), 934-944, 2006
Deep learning detects cardiotoxicity in a high-content screen with induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes
Francis Grafton, Jaclyn Ho, Sara Ranjbarvaziri, Farshad Farshidfar ...
eLife, 2021
Phenotypic screening with deep learning identifies HDAC6 inhibitors as cardioprotective in a BAG3 mouse model of dilated cardiomyopathy
J Yang, F Grafton, S Ranjbarvaziri, A Budan, F Farshidfar, M Cho, E Xu, ...
Science translational medicine 14 (652), eabl5654, 2022
Spatiotemporal mosaic self-patterning of pluripotent stem cells using CRISPR interference
ARG Libby, DA Joy, PL So, MA Mandegar, JM Muncie, ...
Elife 7, e36045, 2018
Functional human artificial chromosomes are generated and stably maintained in human embryonic stem cells
MA Mandegar, D Moralli, S Khoja, S Cowley, DYL Chan, M Yusuf, ...
Human molecular genetics 20 (15), 2905-2913, 2011
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