Agung Trisetyarso, Ph.D
Agung Trisetyarso, Ph.D
School of Computer Science, Department of Mathematics at BINUS
Потвърден имейл адрес: binus.ac.id - Начална страница
Gamification in the e-learning process for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
AS Putra, HLHS Warnars, BS Abbas, A Trisetyarso, W Suparta, CH Kang
2018 Indonesian Association for Pattern Recognition International Conference …, 2018
The effectiveness of online learning with facilitation method
AF Zulfikar, A Muhidin, W Suparta, A Trisetyarso, BS Abbas, CH Kang
Procedia Computer Science 161, 32-40, 2019
Django web framework software metrics measurement using radon and pylint
S Liawatimena, HLHS Warnars, A Trisetyarso, E Abdurahman, B Soewito, ...
2018 Indonesian Association for Pattern Recognition International Conference …, 2018
Development of smart public transportation system in Jakarta city based on integrated IoT platform
DF Murad, BS Abbas, A Trisetyarso, W Suparta, CH Kang
2018 International Conference on Information and Communications Technology …, 2018
Acceptance of augmented reality in video conference based learning during COVID-19 pandemic in higher education
S Sunardi, A Ramadhan, E Abdurachman, A Trisetyarso, M Zarlis
Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics 11 (6), 3598-3608, 2022
Circuit design for a measurement-based quantum carry-lookahead adder
A Trisetyarso, R Van Meter
International Journal of Quantum Information 8 (05), 843-867, 2010
A fish classification on images using transfer learning and matlab
S Liawatimena, Y Heryadi, A Trisetyarso, A Wibowo, BS Abbas, E Barlian
2018 Indonesian association for pattern recognition international conference …, 2018
H., & Trisetyarso, A.(2019). Learning framework in the industrial age 4.0 in higher education
G Winanti, N FL, S TA
1st 2018 Indonesian Association for Pattern Recognition International …, 2018
Adoption of cloud business intelligence in Indonesia’s financial services sector
E Indriasari, S Wayan, FL Gaol, A Trisetyarso, B Saleh Abbas, C Ho Kang
Intelligent Information and Database Systems: 11th Asian Conference, ACIIDS …, 2019
Proposing smart disaster management in urban area
DW Sukmaningsih, W Suparta, A Trisetyarso, BS Abbas, CH Kang
Intelligent Information and Database Systems: Recent Developments 11, 3-16, 2020
Static taint analysis traversal with object oriented component for web file injection vulnerability pattern detection
A Kurniawan, BS Abbas, A Trisetyarso, SM Isa
Procedia Computer Science 135, 596-605, 2018
Twitter opinion mining predicts broadband internet's customer churn rate
F Napitu, MA Bijaksana, A Trisetyarso, Y Heryadi
2017 IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics and Computational …, 2017
Smart tourism recommendation model: a systematic literature review
C Huda, A Ramadhan, A Trisetyarso, E Abdurachman, Y Heryadi
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 12 (12), 2021
Detecting documents plagiarism using winnowing algorithm and k-gram method
R Sutoyo, I Ramadhani, AD Ardiatma, SC Bavana, HLHS Warnars, ...
2017 IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics and Computational …, 2017
Dirac four-potential tunings-based quantum transistor utilizing the Lorentz force
A Trisetyarso
arXiv preprint arXiv:1003.4590, 2010
Automating functional and structural software size measurement based on XML structure of UML sequence diagram
S Karim, S Liawatimena, A Trisetyarso, BS Abbas, W Suparta
2017 IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics and Computational …, 2017
Back propagation neural network experiment on team matchmaking MOBA game
E Tanuar, BS Abbas, A Trisetyarso, CH Kang, FL Gaol, W Suparta
2018 International Conference on Information and Communications Technology …, 2018
Correlation of Dirac potentials and atomic inversion in cavity quantum electrodynamics
A Trisetyarso
Journal of Mathematical Physics 51 (7), 2010
Energy saving on IoT using LoRa: a systematic literature review
MH Widianto, A Ramadhan, A Trisetyarso, E Abdurachman
International Journal of Reconfigurable and Embedded Systems 11 (1), 25, 2022
Warding off the plagiarism with the applications (Case study at Bina Nusantara university student and faculty member)
W Suparta, A Trisetyarso, CH Kang, BS Abbas
2018 International Conference on Information and Communications Technology …, 2018
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