Paramsothy Jayakumar, PhD
Paramsothy Jayakumar, PhD
Senior Technical Expert, US Army GVSC
Потвърден имейл адрес: mail.mil
Combined speed and steering control in high-speed autonomous ground vehicles for obstacle avoidance using model predictive control
J Liu, P Jayakumar, JL Stein, T Ersal
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 66 (10), 8746-8763, 2017
A high-fidelity approach for vehicle mobility simulation: Nonlinear finite element tires operating on granular material
A Recuero, R Serban, B Peterson, H Sugiyama, P Jayakumar, D Negrut
Journal of Terramechanics 72, 39-54, 2017
A study on model fidelity for model predictive control-based obstacle avoidance in high-speed autonomous ground vehicles
J Liu, P Jayakumar, JL Stein, T Ersal
Vehicle System Dynamics 54 (11), 1629-1650, 2016
A nonlinear model predictive control formulation for obstacle avoidance in high-speed autonomous ground vehicles in unstructured environments
J Liu, P Jayakumar, JL Stein, T Ersal
Vehicle system dynamics 56 (6), 853-882, 2018
A sequential calibration and validation framework for model uncertainty quantification and reduction
C Jiang, Z Hu, Y Liu, ZP Mourelatos, D Gorsich, P Jayakumar
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 368, 113172, 2020
Modeling and identification in structural dynamics
P Jayakumar
California Institute of Technology, 1987
The next generation NATO reference mobility model development
M McCullough, P Jayakumar, J Dasch, D Gorsich
Journal of Terramechanics 73, 49-60, 2017
Continuum mechanics based bilinear shear deformable shell element using absolute nodal coordinate formulation
H Yamashita, AI Valkeapää, P Jayakumar, H Sugiyama
Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics 10 (5), 051012, 2015
Compliant contact versus rigid contact: A comparison in the context of granular dynamics
A Pazouki, M Kwarta, K Williams, W Likos, R Serban, P Jayakumar, ...
Physical Review E 96 (4), 042905, 2017
Moving obstacle avoidance for large, high-speed autonomous ground vehicles
H Febbo, J Liu, P Jayakumar, JL Stein, T Ersal
2017 American Control Conference (ACC), 5568-5573, 2017
R2-RRT*: Reliability-based robust mission planning of off-road autonomous ground vehicle under uncertain terrain environment
C Jiang, Z Hu, ZP Mourelatos, D Gorsich, P Jayakumar, Y Fu, M Majcher
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 19 (2), 1030-1046, 2021
On the importance of displacement history in soft-body contact models
J Fleischmann, R Serban, D Negrut, P Jayakumar
Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics 11 (4), 044502, 2016
A multi-stage optimization formulation for MPC-based obstacle avoidance in autonomous vehicles using a LIDAR sensor
J Liu, P Jayakumar, JL Stein, T Ersal
Dynamic Systems and Control Conference 46193, V002T30A006, 2014
The role of model fidelity in model predictive control based hazard avoidance in unmanned ground vehicles using LIDAR sensors
J Liu, P Jayakumar, JL Overholt, JL Stein, T Ersal
Dynamic Systems and Control Conference 56147, V003T46A005, 2013
Physics-based deformable tire–soil interaction model for off-road mobility simulation and experimental validation
H Yamashita, P Jayakumar, M Alsaleh, H Sugiyama
Journal of computational and nonlinear dynamics 13 (2), 021002, 2018
Physics-based flexible tire model integrated with LuGre tire friction for transient braking and cornering analysis
H Yamashita, P Jayakumar, H Sugiyama
Journal of computational and nonlinear dynamics 11 (3), 031017, 2016
System identification using nonlinear structural models
HG Natke, JTP Yao, P Jayakumar, JL Beck
Structural Safety Evaluation Based on System Identification Approaches …, 1988
Who’s the boss? Arbitrating control authority between a human driver and automation system
A Bhardwaj, AH Ghasemi, Y Zheng, H Febbo, P Jayakumar, T Ersal, ...
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 68, 144-160, 2020
A predictor-based framework for delay compensation in networked closed-loop systems
Y Zheng, MJ Brudnak, P Jayakumar, JL Stein, T Ersal
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 23 (5), 2482-2493, 2018
Hierarchical multiscale modeling of tire–soil interaction for off-road mobility simulation
H Yamashita, G Chen, Y Ruan, P Jayakumar, H Sugiyama
Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics 14 (6), 061007, 2019
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