Elaine P M de Sousa
Elaine P M de Sousa
University of São Paulo at São Carlos - Brazil
Потвърден имейл адрес: icmc.usp.br
A fast and effective method to find correlations among attributes in databases
EPM de Sousa, C Traina, AJM Traina, L Wu, C Faloutsos
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 14 (3), 367-407, 2007
How to use fractal dimension to find correlations between attributes
EPM de Sousa, C Traina, A Traina, C Faloutsos
Proc. KDD-Workshop on Fractals and Self-similarity in Data Mining: Issues …, 2002
Software architecture relevance in open source software evolution: a case study
EY Nakagawa, EPM de Sousa, K de Brito Murata, G de Faria Andery, ...
Computer Software and Applications, 2008. COMPSAC'08. 32nd Annual IEEE …, 2008
Effective shape-based retrieval and classification of mammograms
JC Felipe, MX Ribeiro, EPM Sousa, AJM Traina, CJ Traina
Proceedings of the 2006 ACM symposium on Applied computing, 250-255, 2006
Measuring evolving data streams’ behavior through their intrinsic dimension
EPM de Sousa, AJM Traina, C Traina, C Faloutsos
New Generation Computing 25 (1), 33-60, 2006
Fractal-based analysis to identify trend changes in multiple climate time series
SA Nunes, LAS Romani, AMH Avila, C Traina Jr, EPM de Sousa, ...
Journal of Information and Data Management 2 (1), 51-51, 2011
Clustering analysis applied to NDVI/NOAA multitemporal images to improve the monitoring process of sugarcane crops
LAS Romani, RRV Gonçalves, BF Amaral, DYT Chino, J Zullo, C Traina, ...
2011 6th International Workshop on the Analysis of Multi-temporal Remote …, 2011
Using fractals in data mining
C Traina, EPM Sousa, AJM Traina
New Generation of Data Mining Applications 1, 599-630, 2005
Evaluating the intrinsic dimension of evolving data streams
EPM De Sousa, AJM Traina, CJ Traina, C Faloutsos
Proceedings of the 2006 ACM symposium on Applied computing, 643-648, 2006
A low-cost approach for effective shape-based retrieval and classification of medical images
JC Felipe, JB Olioti, AJM Traina, MX Ribeiro, EPM Sousa, C Traina
Seventh IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM'05), 6 pp., 2005
Behavioral characterization of criminality spread in cities
G Spadon, LC Scabora, PH Oliveira, MVS Araujo, BB Machado, ...
Procedia Computer Science 108, 2537-2541, 2017
Identificação de correlações usando a Teoria dos Fractais
EPM Sousa
Universidade de São Paulo, 2006
Land use temporal analysis through clustering techniques on satellite image time series
RRV Gonçalves, J Zullo, BFD Amaral, PP Coltri, EPM Sousa, LAS Romani
2014 IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2173-2176, 2014
Analysis of large scale climate data: how well climate change models and data from real sensor networks agree?
SA Nunes, LAS Romani, AMH Avila, PP Coltri, C Traina Jr, RLF Cordeiro, ...
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on World Wide Web, 517-526, 2013
A density-biased sampling technique to improve cluster representativeness
A Appel, A Paterlini, E de Sousa, A Traina, C Traina
Knowledge Discovery in Databases: PKDD 2007, 366-373, 2007
On the Support of a Similarity-enabled Relational Database Management System in Civilian Crisis Situations.
PH Oliveira, AC Fraideinberze, NA Laverde, H Gualdron, AS Gonzaga, ...
ICEIS (1), 119-126, 2016
Classification abstraction: An intrinsic element in database systems
E Machado, C Traina, M Araujo
Advances in Information Systems, 57-70, 2000
Multiclass classifier based on deep learning for detection of citrus disease using fluorescence imaging spectroscopy
RFO Neves, CB Wetterich, EPM Sousa, LG Marcassa
Laser Physics 33 (5), 055602, 2023
An adaptive multi-level hashing structure for fast approximate similarity search
A Ocsa, EPM de Sousa
Journal of Information and Data Management 1 (3), 359-359, 2010
Employing fractal dimension to analyse climate and remote sensing data streams
LAS Romani, EPM Sousa, MX Ribeiro, J Zullo Junior, C Traina Junior, ...
[Proceedings], 2009
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