Zhanhui Qi
Zhanhui Qi
Professor of South China Sea Fisheries Research Institute, CAFS
Потвърден имейл адрес: scsfri.ac.cn
Suitability of two seaweeds, Gracilaria lemaneiformis and Sargassum pallidum, as feed for the abalone Haliotis discus hannai Ino
Z Qi, H Liu, B Li, Y Mao, Z Jiang, J Zhang, J Fang
Aquaculture 300 (1-4), 189-193, 2010
Diverse and abundant antibiotic resistance genes from mariculture sites of China's coastline
Q Gao, Y Li, Z Qi, Y Yue, M Min, S Peng, Z Shi, Y Gao
Science of the Total Environment 630, 117-125, 2018
Submarine groundwater discharge as an important nutrient source influencing nutrient structure in coastal water of Daya Bay, China
X Wang, H Li, C Zheng, J Yang, Y Zhang, M Zhang, Z Qi, K Xiao, X Zhang
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 225, 52-65, 2018
Nutrient release from fish cage aquaculture and mitigation strategies in Daya Bay, southern China
Z Qi, R Shi, Z Yu, T Han, C Li, S Xu, S Xu, Q Liang, W Yu, H Lin, H Huang
Marine Pollution Bulletin 146, 399-407, 2019
Evaluation of the potential role of the macroalga Laminaria japonica for alleviating coastal eutrophication
D Xu, Z Gao, X Zhang, Z Qi, C Meng, Z Zhuang, N Ye
Bioresource Technology 102 (21), 9912-9918, 2011
Interactive effects of oyster and seaweed on seawater dissolved inorganic carbon systems: Implications for integrated multi-trophic aquaculture
T Han, R Shi, Z Qi, H Huang, Q Liang, H Liu
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 9, 469-478, 2017
Effects of salinity on ingestion, oxygen consumption and ammonium excretion rates of the sea cucumber Holothuria leucospilota
Z Yu, Z Qi, C Hu, W Liu, H Huang
Aquaculture Research 44 (11), 1760-1767, 2013
Algicidal activity against Skeletonema costatum by marine bacteria isolated from a high frequency harmful algal blooms area in southern Chinese coast
R Shi, H Huang, Z Qi, W Hu, Z Tian, M Dai
World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 29 (1), 153-162, 2013
Influence of suspended mariculture on vertical distribution profiles of bacteria in sediment from Daya Bay, Southern China
R Shi, S Xu, Z Qi, Q Zhu, H Huang, F Weber
Marine Pollution Bulletin 146, 816-826, 2019
李纯厚, 齐占会, 黄洪辉, 刘永, 孔啸兰, 肖雅元
南方水产科学 6 (6), 81-86, 2010
Evaluation of the protein requirement of juvenile Chinese soft-shelled turtle (Pelodiscus sinensis, Wiegmann) fed with practical diets
J Wang, Z Qi, Z Yang
Aquaculture 433, 252-255, 2014
Seasonal patterns and environmental drivers of nirS-and nirK-encoding denitrifiers in sediments of Daya Bay, China
R Shi, S Xu, Z Qi, H Huang, Q Liang
Oceanologia 61 (3), 308-320, 2019
Nitrogen uptake and growth responses of seedlings of the brown seaweed Sargassum hemiphyllum under controlled culture conditions
T Han, Z Qi, H Huang, X Liao, W Zhang
Journal of applied phycology 30, 507-515, 2018
Feasibility of Offshore Co‐culture of Abalone, Haliotis discus hannai Ino, and Sea Cucumber, Apostichopus japonicus, in a Temperate Zone
Z Qi, J Wang, Y Mao, H Liu, J Fang
Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 44 (4), 565-573, 2013
Impacts of large-scale aquaculture activities on the seawater carbonate system and air-sea CO2 flux in a subtropical mariculture bay, southern China
T Han, R Shi, Z Qi, H Huang, X Gong
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 13, 199-210, 2021
Biogenic acidification of Portuguese oyster Magallana angulata mariculture can be mediated through introducing brown seaweed Sargassum hemiphyllum
T Han, R Shi, Z Qi, H Huang, F Wu, X Gong
Aquaculture 520, 734972, 2020
Plankton ciliate community responses to different aquatic environments in Nan’ao Island, a representative mariculture base in the South China Sea
F Wu, M Dai, H Huang, Z Qi
Marine and Freshwater Research 70 (3), 426-436, 2018
Impact of salinity variation and silicate distribution on phytoplankton community composition in Pearl River estuary, China
S Xu, Y Liu, J Fan, Y Xiao, Z Qi, M Lakshmikandan
Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 22 (3), 466-475, 2022
Temporal dynamics in clearance rate of the Portuguese oyster Crassostrea angulata cultivated in Dapeng Cove, southern China
Z Yu, Y Zhou, Z Qi, P Luo, C Hu
Aquaculture 479, 824-828, 2017
Use of the sea urchin Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus for biological control of fouling in suspended scallop cultivation in Northern China
Q Zhanhui, W Jun, M Yuze, Z Jihong, J Zengjie, F Jianguang
Aquaculture 420, 270-274, 2014
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