Vivian Hsueh Hua Chen
Vivian Hsueh Hua Chen
Потвърден имейл адрес: eshcc.eur.nl
Usability evaluation for mobile device: a comparison of laboratory and field tests
HBL Duh, GCB Tan, VH Chen
Proceedings of the 8th conference on Human-computer interaction with mobile …, 2006
(Multiplayer) gaming around the globe? A comparison of gamer surveys in four countries
T Quandt, V Chen, F Mäyrä, J Van Looy
Multiplayer: The Social Aspects of Digital Gaming, 43-66, 2013
Midwives with mobiles: A dialectical perspective on gender arising from technology introduction in rural Indonesia
A Chib, VHH Chen
New Media & Society 13 (3), 486-501, 2011
Ubiquitous games for learning (UbiqGames): Weatherlings, a worked example
E Klopfer, J Sheldon, J Perry, VHH Chen
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 28 (5), 465-476, 2012
Young school children’s use of digital devices and parental rules
WWL Goh, S Bay, VHH Chen
Telematics and Informatics 32 (4), 787-795, 2015
Enjoyment or engagement? Role of social interaction in playing massively mulitplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGS)
VHH Chen, HBL Duh, PSK Phuah, DZY Lam
Entertainment Computing-ICEC 2006: 5th International Conference, Cambridge …, 2006
Cultural identity
VHH Chen
Key Concepts in Intercultural Dialogue 22, 1, 2014
Understanding social interaction in world of warcraft
VH Chen, HBL Duh
Proceedings of the international conference on Advances in computer …, 2007
Active and restrictive parental mediation over time: Effects on youths’ self-regulatory competencies and impulsivity
VHH Chen, GS Chng
Computers & Education 98, 206-212, 2016
Players who play to make others cry: The influence of anonymity and immersion
VHH Chen, HBL Duh, CW Ng
Proceedings of the international conference on advances in computer …, 2009
Social relationships of gamers and their parents
SL Chai, VHH Chen, A Khoo
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences Proceeding of 2nd World Conference …, 2011
Group identification as a mediator of the effect of players’ anonymity on cheating in online games
VHH Chen, Y Wu
Behaviour & Information Technology 34 (7), 658-667, 2015
Xenophobia in the Time of a Pandemic: Social Media Use, Stereotypes, and Prejudice against Immigrants during the COVID-19 Crisis
A Ahmed, S., Chen, V.H.H., Chib
International Journal of Public Opinion Research 33 (3), 637653, 2021
The spiral of silence: examining how cultural predispositions, news attention, and opinion congruency relate to opinion expression
SS Ho, VHH Chen, CC Sim
Asian Journal of Communication, 1-22, 2012
Becoming an ideal co-creator: Web materiality and intensive laboring practices in game modding
R Hong, VHH Chen
New Media & Society 16 (2), 290-305, 2014
Cross‐cultural similarities and differences in the theoretical predictors of cyberbullying perpetration: Results from a seven‐country study
CP Barlett, LW Seyfert, MM Simmers, VHH Chen, JG Cavalcanti, B Krahé, ...
Aggressive behavior 47 (1), 111-119, 2021
Cheating behaviors in online gaming
HBL Duh, VHH Chen
Online Communities and Social Computing: Third International Conference …, 2009
The (digital) medium of mobility is the message: Examining the influence of e-scooter mobile app perceptions on e-scooter use intent
R Ratan, K Earle, S Rosenthal, VHH Chen, A Gambino, G Goggin, ...
Computers in Human Behavior Reports 3, 100076, 2021
How do social presence and active learning in synchronous and asynchronous online classes relate to students’ perceived course gains?
R Ratan, C Ucha, Y Lei, C Lim, W Triwibowo, S Yelon, A Sheahan, ...
Computers & Education 191, 104621, 2022
A social-cognitive approach to online game cheating
Y Wu, VHH Chen
Computers in Human Behavior 29 (6), 2557-2567, 2013
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