Статии с изисквания за обществен достъп - Wojtek PrzepiorkaНаучете повече
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Reputation formation and the evolution of cooperation in anonymous online markets
A Diekmann, B Jann, W Przepiorka, S Wehrli
American Sociological Review 79 (1), 65-85, 2014
Изисквания: Swiss National Science Foundation
Charitable giving as a signal of trustworthiness: Disentangling the signaling benefits of altruistic acts
S Fehrler, W Przepiorka
Evolution and Human Behavior 34 (2), 139-145, 2013
Изисквания: Swiss National Science Foundation
Responsibility attribution for collective decision makers
R Duch, W Przepiorka, R Stevenson
American Journal of Political Science 59 (2), 372-389, 2015
Изисквания: Swiss National Science Foundation
Order without law: Reputation promotes cooperation in a cryptomarket for illegal drugs
W Przepiorka, L Norbutas, R Corten
European Sociological Review 33 (6), 752-764, 2017
Изисквания: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Individual heterogeneity and costly punishment: a volunteer's dilemma
W Przepiorka, A Diekmann
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 280 (1759), 20130247, 2013
Изисквания: Swiss National Science Foundation
Buyers pay for and sellers invest in a good reputation: More evidence from eBay
W Przepiorka
Journal of Socio-Economics 42, 31-42, 2013
Изисквания: Swiss National Science Foundation
“Take One for the Team!” Individual Heterogeneity and the Emergence of Latent Norms in a Volunteer's Dilemma
A Diekmann, W Przepiorka
Social Forces 94 (3), 1309-1333, 2016
Изисквания: Swiss National Science Foundation
Natural and strategic generosity as signals of trustworthiness
D Gambetta, W Przepiorka
PLOS ONE 9 (5), e97533, 2014
Изисквания: Swiss National Science Foundation
Choosing a Partner for Social Exchange: Charitable Giving as a Signal of Trustworthiness
S Fehrler, W Przepiorka
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 129, 157-171, 2016
Изисквания: Swiss National Science Foundation
Temporal embeddedness and signals of trustworthiness: Experimental tests of a game theoretic model in the United Kingdom, Russia, and Switzerland
W Przepiorka, A Diekmann
European Sociological Review 29 (5), 1010-1023, 2013
Изисквания: Swiss National Science Foundation
How can consumer trust in energy utilities be increased? The effectiveness of prosocial, proenvironmental, and service-oriented investments as signals of trustworthiness
W Przepiorka, C Horne
Organization & Environment 33 (2), 262-284, 2020
Изисквания: US National Science Foundation
Heterogeneous groups cooperate in public good problems despite normative disagreements about individual contribution levels
K Otten, V Buskens, W Przepiorka, N Ellemers
Scientific reports 10 (1), 16702, 2020
Изисквания: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Honesty and dishonesty in gossip strategies: a fitness interdependence analysis
J Wu, S Számadó, P Barclay, B Beersma, TD Dores Cruz, SL Iacono, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 376 (1838), 20200300, 2021
Изисквания: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada, National Natural …
Technology use and norm change in online privacy: Experimental evidence from vignette studies
C Horne, W Przepiorka
Information, Communication & Society 24 (9), 1212-1228, 2021
Изисквания: US National Science Foundation
Human cooperation in changing groups in a large-scale public goods game
K Otten, UJ Frey, V Buskens, W Przepiorka, N Ellemers
Nature Communications 13 (1), 6399, 2022
Изисквания: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
How norms emerge from conventions (and change)
W Przepiorka, A Szekely, G Andrighetto, A Diekmann, L Tummolini
Socius 8, 23780231221124556, 2022
Изисквания: Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation
Cooperation between newcomers and incumbents: the role of normative disagreements
K Otten, V Buskens, W Przepiorka, N Ellemers
Journal of Economic Psychology 87, 102448, 2021
Изисквания: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Ethnic discrimination and signals of trustworthiness in an online market: evidence from two field experiments
W Przepiorka
Zeitschrift für Soziologie 40 (2), 132-141, 2011
Изисквания: Swiss National Science Foundation
Consensual punishment does not promote cooperation in the six-person prisoner's dilemma game with noisy public monitoring
N Van Miltenburg, W Przepiorka, V Buskens
PloS one 12 (11), e0188503, 2017
Изисквания: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Behavioral regularities and norm stickiness: the cases of transracial adoption and online privacy
C Horne, J Tinkler, W Przepiorka
Social Research: An International Quarterly 85 (1), 93-113, 2018
Изисквания: US National Science Foundation
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