Afshin J. Ghajar
Afshin J. Ghajar
Regents Professor and John Brammer Professor, School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Oklahoma
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Comparison of void fraction correlations for different flow patterns in horizontal and upward inclined pipes
MA Woldesemayat, AJ Ghajar
International journal of multiphase flow 33 (4), 347-370, 2007
A flow pattern independent drift flux model based void fraction correlation for a wide range of gas–liquid two phase flow
SM Bhagwat, AJ Ghajar
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 59, 186-205, 2014
Heat transfer measurements and correlations in the transition region for a circular tube with three different inlet configurations
AJ Ghajar, LM Tam
Experimental thermal and fluid science 8 (1), 79-90, 1994
Influence of inlet geometry on mixing in thermocline thermal energy storage
YH Zurigat, PR Liche, AJ Ghajar
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 34 (1), 115-125, 1991
Similarities and differences in the flow patterns and void fraction in vertical upward and downward two phase flow
SM Bhagwat, AJ Ghajar
Experimental thermal and fluid science 39, 213-227, 2012
Comparison of void fraction correlations for different flow patterns in upward vertical two-phase flow
PV Godbole, CC Tang, AJ Ghajar
Heat Transfer Engineering 32 (10), 843-860, 2011
Effect of inlet geometry and heating on the fully developed friction factor in the transition region of a horizontal tube
LM Tam, AJ Ghajar
Experimental thermal and fluid science 15 (1), 52-64, 1997
ME 237: Heat and Mass Transfer; fundamental and applications
AJ Ghajar, YA Cengel
McGraw-Hill Education, 2015
Transitional heat transfer in plain horizontal tubes
LM Tam, AJ Ghajar
Heat Transfer Engineering 27 (5), 23-38, 2006
A general heat transfer correlation for non-boiling gas–liquid flow with different flow patterns in horizontal pipes
J Kim, AJ Ghajar
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 32 (4), 447-465, 2006
A comparison study of one-dimensional models for stratified thermal storage tanks
YH Zurigat, KJ Maloney, AJ Ghajar
Flow regime map for a horizontal pipe with uniform wall heat flux and three inlet configurations
AJ Ghajar, LM Tam
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 10 (3), 287-297, 1995
Pressure drop measurements in the transition region for a circular tube with three different inlet configurations
AJ Ghajar, KF Madon
Experimental thermal and fluid science 5 (1), 129-135, 1992
Comparison of near-wall treatment methods for high Reynolds number backward-facing step flow
JY Kim, AJ Ghajar, C Tang, GL Foutch
International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics 19 (7), 493-500, 2005
Non-boiling heat transfer in gas-liquid flow in pipes: a tutorial
AJ Ghajar
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 27 …, 2005
Effect of inlet geometries and heating on the entrance and fully-developed friction factors in the laminar and transition regions of a horizontal tube
HK Tam, LM Tam, AJ Ghajar
Experimental thermal and fluid science 44, 680-696, 2013
Heat transfer measurements, flow pattern maps, and flow visualization for non-boiling two-phase flow in horizontal and slightly inclined pipe
AJ Ghajar, CC Tang
Heat Transfer Engineering 28 (6), 525-540, 2007
Experimental investigation of non-boiling gas-liquid two phase flow in upward inclined pipes
SM Bhagwat, AJ Ghajar
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 79, 301-318, 2016
Numerical study of the effect of inlet geometry on stratification in thermal energy storage
AJ Ghajar, YH Zurigat
Numerical Heat Transfer 19 (1), 65-83, 1991
Comparison of 20 two-phase heat transfer correlations with seven sets of experimental data, including flow pattern and tube inclination effects
D Kim, AJ Ghajar, RL Dougherty, VK Ryali
Heat transfer engineering 20 (1), 15-40, 1999
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