Andreas Zilges
Andreas Zilges
Institut für Kernphysik, Universität zu Köln
Потвърден имейл адрес: koeln.de - Начална страница
Investigation of nuclear structure by resonance fluorescence scattering
U Kneissl, HH Pitz, A Zilges
Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics 37, 349-433, 1996
Experimental studies of the Pygmy Dipole Resonance
D Savran, T Aumann, A Zilges
Low-lying dipole modes in vibrational nuclei studied by photon scattering
U Kneissl, N Pietralla, A Zilges
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 32 (8), R217, 2006
Isospin Character of the Pygmy Dipole Resonance in
J Endres, E Litvinova, D Savran, PA Butler, MN Harakeh, S Harissopulos, ...
Physical review letters 105 (21), 212503, 2010
Concentration of electric dipole strength below the neutron separation energy in N= 82 nuclei
A Zilges, S Volz, M Babilon, T Hartmann, P Mohr, K Vogt
Physics Letters B 542 (1-2), 43-48, 2002
Photoactivation of and Its Implications for the Nucleosynthesis of Nature's Rarest Naturally Occurring Isotope
D Belic, C Arlandini, J Besserer, J De Boer, JJ Carroll, J Enders, ...
Physical review letters 83 (25), 5242, 1999
Microscopic nature of the pygmy dipole resonance: The stable Ca isotopes
T Hartmann, M Babilon, S Kamerdzhiev, E Litvinova, D Savran, S Volz, ...
Physical review letters 93 (19), 192501, 2004
The photoresponse of stable N= 82 nuclei below 10 MeV
S Volz, N Tsoneva, M Babilon, M Elvers, J Hasper, RD Herzberg, ...
Nuclear Physics A 779, 1-20, 2006
Nature of the Pygmy Dipole Resonance in Studied in (, ) Experiments
D Savran, M Babilon, AM Van den Berg, MN Harakeh, J Hasper, A Matic, ...
Physical review letters 97 (17), 172502, 2006
Systematics of the excitation energy of the scissors mode and its empirical dependence on the nuclear deformation parameter
N Pietralla, P Von Brentano, RD Herzberg, U Kneissl, NL Iudice, H Maser, ...
Physical Review C 58 (1), 184, 1998
Fine Structure of the Pygmy Dipole Resonance in
D Savran, M Fritzsche, J Hasper, K Lindenberg, S Müller, VY Ponomarev, ...
Physical review letters 100 (23), 232501, 2008
Real photon scattering up to 10 MeV: the improved facility at the Darmstadt electron accelerator S-DALINAC
P Mohr, J Enders, T Hartmann, H Kaiser, D Schiesser, S Schmitt, S Volz, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 1999
Deformation dependence of low lying M1 strengths in even Nd isotopes
J Margraf, RD Heil, U Kneissl, U Maier, HH Pitz, H Friedrichs, ...
Physical Review C 47 (4), 1474, 1993
Systematics of low-lying dipole strengths in odd and even Dy and Gd isotopes
J Margraf, T Eckert, M Rittner, I Bauske, O Beck, U Kneissl, H Maser, ...
Physical Review C 52 (5), 2429, 1995
CologneAMS, a dedicated center for accelerator mass spectrometry in Germany
A Dewald, S Heinze, J Jolie, A Zilges, T Dunai, J Rethemeyer, M Melles, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2013
Photo-induced depopulation of the isomer via low-lying intermediate states: Structure and astrophysical implications
D Belic, C Arlandini, J Besserer, J De Boer, JJ Carroll, J Enders, ...
Physical Review C 65 (3), 035801, 2002
First Observation of the Scissors Mode in a -Soft Nucleus: The Case of Pt
P Von Brentano, J Eberth, J Enders, L Esser, RD Herzberg, N Huxel, ...
Physical review letters 76 (12), 2029, 1996
The Darmstadt high-intensity photon setup (DHIPS) at the S-DALINAC
K Sonnabend, D Savran, J Beller, MA Büssing, A Constantinescu, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2011
Low-energy photon scattering off 142,146,148,150 Nd: An investigation in the mass region of a nuclear shape transition
HH Pitz, RD Heil, U Kneissl, S Lindenstruth, U Seemann, R Stock, ...
Nuclear Physics A 509 (3), 587-604, 1990
Photonuclear reactions—From basic research to applications
A Zilges, DL Balabanski, J Isaak, N Pietralla
Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics 122, 103903, 2022
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