Claire Waluda
Claire Waluda
British Antarctic Survey, University of Aberdeen
Потвърден имейл адрес: bas.ac.uk
Microplastics in the Antarctic marine system: an emerging area of research
CL Waller, HJ Griffiths, CM Waluda, SE Thorpe, I Loaiza, B Moreno, ...
Science of the total environment 598, 220-227, 2017
Microplastics in gentoo penguins from the Antarctic region
F Bessa, N Ratcliffe, V Otero, P Sobral, JC Marques, CM Waluda, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 14191, 2019
Influence of oceanographic variability on recruitment in the Illex argentinus (Cephalopoda: Ommastrephidae) fishery in the South Atlantic
CM Waluda, PN Trathan, PG Rodhouse
Marine Ecology Progress Series 183, 159-167, 1999
Surface oceanography of the inferred hatching grounds of Illex argentinus (Cephalopoda: Ommastrephidae) and influences on recruitment variability
C Waluda, P Rodhouse, G Podestá, P Trathan, G Pierce
Marine Biology 139, 671-679, 2001
Approaches to resolving cephalopod movement and migration patterns
JM Semmens, GT Pecl, BM Gillanders, CM Waluda, EK Shea, D Jouffre, ...
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 17, 401-423, 2007
Interannual variability in Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) density at South Georgia, Southern Ocean: 1997–2013
S Fielding, JL Watkins, PN Trathan, P Enderlein, CM Waluda, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 71 (9), 2578-2588, 2014
Patterns in the distribution of myctophid fish in the northern Scotia Sea ecosystem
MA Collins, JC Xavier, NM Johnston, AW North, P Enderlein, GA Tarling, ...
Polar Biology 31, 837-851, 2008
Influence of the ENSO cycle on the light-fishery for Dosidicus gigas in the Peru Current: an analysis of remotely sensed data
CM Waluda, C Yamashiro, PG Rodhouse
Fisheries Research 79 (1-2), 56-63, 2006
Quantifying light-fishing for Dosidicus gigas in the eastern Pacific using satellite remote sensing
CM Waluda, C Yamashiro, CD Elvidge, VR Hobson, PG Rodhouse
Remote sensing of environment 91 (2), 129-133, 2004
Remotely sensed mesoscale oceanography and the distribution of Illex argentinus in the South Atlantic
CM Waluda, PG Rodhouse, PN Trathan, GJ Pierce
Fisheries Oceanography 10 (2), 207-216, 2001
Microplastics and other anthropogenic particles in Antarctica: Using penguins as biological samplers
J Fragão, F Bessa, V Otero, A Barbosa, P Sobral, CM Waluda, ...
Science of the Total Environment 788, 147698, 2021
Close encounters-microplastic availability to pelagic amphipods in sub-antarctic and antarctic surface waters
K Jones-Williams, T Galloway, M Cole, G Stowasser, C Waluda, C Manno
Environment International 140, 105792, 2020
Entanglement of Antarctic fur seals at bird Island, South Georgia
CM Waluda, IJ Staniland
Marine pollution bulletin 74 (1), 244-252, 2013
Zooplankton gut passage mobilizes lithogenic iron for ocean productivity
K Schmidt, C Schlosser, A Atkinson, S Fielding, HJ Venables, CM Waluda, ...
Current Biology 26 (19), 2667-2673, 2016
Remotely sensed mesoscale oceanography of the Central Eastern Pacific and recruitment variability in Dosidicus gigas
CM Waluda, PG Rodhouse
Marine Ecology Progress Series 310, 25-32, 2006
Temporal and spatial patterns in the distribution of squid Loligo spp. in United Kingdom waters
CM Waluda, GJ Pierce
African Journal of Marine Science 20, 1998
Remotely sensed spatial dynamics of the Illex argentinus fishery, Southwest Atlantic
CM Waluda, HJ Griffiths, PG Rodhouse
Fisheries Research 91 (2-3), 196-202, 2008
Throwing light on straddling stocks of Illex argentinus: assessing fishing intensity with satellite imagery
CM Waluda, PN Trathan, CD Elvidge, VR Hobson, PG Rodhouse
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 59 (4), 592-596, 2002
Thirty years of marine debris in the Southern Ocean: annual surveys of two island shores in the Scotia Sea
CM Waluda, IJ Staniland, MJ Dunn, SE Thorpe, E Grilly, M Whitelaw, ...
Environment international 136, 105460, 2020
Albatrosses and petrels at South Georgia as sentinels of marine debris input from vessels in the southwest Atlantic Ocean
RA Phillips, CM Waluda
Environment international 136, 105443, 2020
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