Fabio Rizental Coutinho
Fabio Rizental Coutinho
Professor de Engenharia Eletrônica, UTFPR - Toledo
Потвърден имейл адрес: professores.utfpr.edu.br
Low-cost water quality sensors for IoT: A systematic review
ET De Camargo, FA Spanhol, JS Slongo, MVR da Silva, J Pazinato, ...
Sensors 23 (9), 4424, 2023
A new method for ultrasound detection of interfacial position in gas-liquid two-phase flow
FR Coutinho, CY Ofuchi, LVR De Arruda, FN Jr, REM Morales
Sensors 14 (5), 9093-9116, 2014
Evaluation of low-cost sensors for real-time water quality monitoring
FN de Camargo Xavier, LD Martins, MS Oyamada, FA Spanhol, ...
Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Sistemas Computacionais (SBESC), 56-61, 2022
Evaluation of an extended autocorrelation phase estimator for ultrasonic velocity profiles using nondestructive testing systems
CY Ofuchi, FR Coutinho, F Neves Jr, LVR De Arruda, REM Morales
Sensors 16 (8), 1250, 2016
Extended autocorrelation velocity estimator applied to fluid engineering
CY Ofuchi, FR Coutinho, F Neves Jr, L Valéria, R de Arruda, ...
Proc. of the 9th ISUD, Strasbourg, 109-112, 2014
Desenvolvimento de um Instrumento para Monitoração de Energia
JR Carvalho, R Wagner, GE Mog, GA Costa, FR Coutinho, ...
Citinel–II Congresso de Inovação Tecnológica em Energia Elétrica, 872-874, 2003
A fast and improved dual-PRT Doppler technique for industrial flow metering
FR Coutinho, AL Stakowian, MJ da Silva
IEEE Sensors Letters 7 (9), 1-4, 2023
Development of a Analog Acquisition and Conditioning Circuit of Surface Electromyogram and Electrocardiogram Signals
LE Luiz, JP Teixeira, FR Coutinho
International Conference on Optimization, Learning Algorithms and …, 2022
Transmissão de energia elétrica sem fios através de acoplamento indutivo ressonante utilizando conversor CC-CA
FL Martins, JL Cutinhola
Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, 2017
Implementation of a staggered trigger algorithm by velocity difference dealiasing rules
FR Coutinho
Proc. 10th Int. Symp. Ultrason. Doppler Methods Fluid Mech. Fluid Eng., 45-48, 2016
A flexible ultrasonic velocity profiler development environment
CY Ofuchi, FR Coutinho, R dos Santos Rasia, LVR de Arruda, F Neves, ...
2014 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology …, 2014
Rock-Flow Cell Parameters Evaluation Using Ultrasound Doppler Velocimetry
AD Stakowian, GND Dextre, LF Botton, EN Dos Santos, FR Coutinho, ...
Proceedings of the 14th ISUD-International Symposium on Ultrasonic Doppler …, 2023
ECG and sEMG Conditioning and Wireless Transmission with a Biosignal Acquisition Board
LE Luiz, FR Coutinho, JP Teixeira
International Conference on Optimization, Learning Algorithms and …, 2023
Influence of the shear stress on fine sediment exchanges with the substrate using UVP measurements
IFZ Schmidt, FR Coutinho, AL Stakowian, CY Ofuchi, MJ da Silva, FN Jr, ...
Implementation of autocorrelation algorithm in VHDL for UVP instrumentation
IFZ Schmidt, FR Coutinho, A Luis, CYO Stakowian, MJ da Silva, FN Jr, ...
Extending Nyquist limit by velocity difference dealiasing rules using a triple PRT scheme
FR Coutinho, CY Ofuchi, SLS de Souza, AL Stakowian, MJ da Silva, ...
Uso de Comunicação Celular Digital GPRS pa-ra Sistemas de Automação da Distribuição de Energia Elétrica
VC Zambenedetti, FR Coutinho, A Barbiero, RP Siqueira, JG Pereira, ...
Algebraic Soft-Decision Decoding of Reed-Solomon Codes with Erasures on Gaussian Channels
FR Coutinho, EMG Fernández
Simulation of ultrasound signals for the study of velocity estimation techniques
FR Coutinho, CY Ofuchi, LVR de Arruda, FN Jr, REM Morales
Accuracy evaluation of a crossed beam double element transducer for ultrasound velocity profiler application
FR Coutinho, CY Ofuchi, LVR de Arruda, F Neves Jr, REM Morales
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