Band gaps and electronic structure of transition-metal compounds J Zaanen, GA Sawatzky, JW Allen
Physical review letters 55 (4), 418, 1985
3783 1985 Density-functional theory and NiO photoemission spectra VI Anisimov, IV Solovyev, MA Korotin, MT Czyżyk, GA Sawatzky
Physical Review B 48 (23), 16929, 1993
2862 1993 Electronic structure of O and CuO J Ghijsen, LH Tjeng, J van Elp, H Eskes, J Westerink, GA Sawatzky, ...
Physical Review B 38 (16), 11322, 1988
1896 1988 Oxygen 1s x-ray-absorption edges of transition-metal oxides FMF De Groot, M Grioni, JC Fuggle, J Ghijsen, GA Sawatzky, H Petersen
Physical Review B 40 (8), 5715, 1989
1424 1989 Long-range incommensurate charge fluctuations in (Y, Nd) Ba2Cu3O6+ x G Ghiringhelli, M Le Tacon, M Minola, S Blanco-Canosa, C Mazzoli, ...
Science 337 (6096), 821-825, 2012
1353 2012 In situ XPS analysis of various iron oxide films grown by -assisted molecular-beam epitaxyT Fujii, FMF De Groot, GA Sawatzky, FC Voogt, T Hibma, K Okada
Physical review B 59 (4), 3195, 1999
1245 1999 2p x-ray absorption of 3d transition-metal compounds: An atomic multiplet description including the crystal field FMF de Groot, JC Fuggle, BT Thole, GA Sawatzky
Physical Review B 42 (9), 5459, 1990
1209 1990 Magnitude and origin of the band gap in NiO GA Sawatzky, JW Allen
Physical review letters 53 (24), 2339, 1984
1149 1984 Intermediate-spin state and properties of LaCoO 3 MA Korotin, SY Ezhov, IV Solovyev, VI Anisimov, DI Khomskii, ...
Physical Review B 54 (8), 5309, 1996
1021 1996 Band gap, excitons, and Coulomb interaction in solid RW Lof, MA van Veenendaal, B Koopmans, HT Jonkman, GA Sawatzky
Physical review letters 68 (26), 3924, 1992
1011 1992 Local-density functional and on-site correlations: The electronic structure of and MT Czyżyk, GA Sawatzky
Physical Review B 49 (20), 14211, 1994
1004 1994 Satellite structure in photoelectron and Auger spectra of copper dihalides G Van der Laan, C Westra, C Haas, GA Sawatzky
Physical Review B 23 (9), 4369, 1981
910 1981 3d x-ray-absorption lines and the 3 d 9 4 f n+ 1 multiplets of the lanthanides BT Thole, G Van der Laan, JC Fuggle, GA Sawatzky, RC Karnatak, ...
Physical Review B 32 (8), 5107, 1985
893 1985 Electronic structure of CoO, Li-doped CoO, and J Van Elp, JL Wieland, H Eskes, P Kuiper, GA Sawatzky, FMF De Groot, ...
Physical Review B 44 (12), 6090, 1991
805 1991 Controlled-valence properties of and studied by soft-x-ray absorption spectroscopy M Abbate, FMF de Groot, JC Fuggle, A Fujimori, O Strebel, F Lopez, ...
Physical Review B 46 (8), 4511, 1992
794 1992 ,3 x-ray-absorption edges of compounds: , , , and in (octahedral) symmetryFMF De Groot, JC Fuggle, BT Thole, GA Sawatzky
Physical Review B 41 (2), 928, 1990
740 1990 Charge Order Driven by Fermi-Arc Instability in Bi2 Sr2−x Lax CuO6+δ R Comin, A Frano, MM Yee, Y Yoshida, H Eisaki, E Schierle, E Weschke, ...
Science 343 (6169), 390-392, 2014
716 2014 Mössbauer study of several ferrimagnetic spinels GA Sawatzky, F Van Der Woude, AH Morrish
Physical Review 187 (2), 747, 1969
715 1969 X-ray photoelectron and Auger spectroscopy study of some vanadium oxides GA Sawatzky, D Post
Physical Review B 20 (4), 1546, 1979
686 1979 Quasiatomic Auger spectra in narrow-band metals GA Sawatzky
Physical Review Letters 39 (8), 504, 1977
670 1977