Longest, PW
Hemodynamic parameters and early intimal thickening in branching blood vessels
C Kleinstreuer, S Hyun, JR Buchanan, PW Longest, JP Archie Jr, ...
Critical Reviews™ in Biomedical Engineering 29 (1), 2001
Transport and deposition of micro-aerosols in realistic and simplified models of the oral airway
J Xi, PW Longest
Annals of biomedical engineering 35, 560-581, 2007
Effects of mesh style and grid convergence on particle deposition in bifurcating airway models with comparisons to experimental data
PW Longest, S Vinchurkar
Medical engineering & physics 29 (3), 350-366, 2007
Effectiveness of direct Lagrangian tracking models for simulating nanoparticle deposition in the upper airways
PW Longest, J Xi
Aerosol Science and Technology 41 (4), 380-397, 2007
In silico models of aerosol delivery to the respiratory tract—Development and applications
PW Longest, LT Holbrook
Advanced drug delivery reviews 64 (4), 296-311, 2012
Validating CFD predictions of respiratory aerosol deposition: effects of upstream transition and turbulence
PW Longest, S Vinchurkar
Journal of biomechanics 40 (2), 305-316, 2007
Effects of the laryngeal jet on nano-and microparticle transport and deposition in an approximate model of the upper tracheobronchial airways
J Xi, PW Longest, TB Martonen
Journal of Applied Physiology 104 (6), 1761-1777, 2008
Numerical predictions of submicrometer aerosol deposition in the nasal cavity using a novel drift flux approach
J Xi, PW Longest
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 51 (23-24), 5562-5577, 2008
Comparing MDI and DPI Aerosol Deposition Using In Vitro Experiments and a New Stochastic Individual Path (SIP) Model of the Conducting Airways
PW Longest, G Tian, RL Walenga, M Hindle
Pharmaceutical research 29, 1670-1688, 2012
Evaluation of hexahedral, prismatic and hybrid mesh styles for simulating respiratory aerosol dynamics
S Vinchurkar, PW Longest
Computers & Fluids 37 (3), 317-331, 2008
In Vivo–In Vitro Correlations: Predicting Pulmonary Drug Deposition from Pharmaceutical Aerosols
PR Byron, M Hindle, CF Lange, PW Longest, D McRobbie, MJ Oldham, ...
Journal of aerosol medicine and pulmonary drug delivery 23 (S2), S-59-S-69, 2010
Efficient computation of micro-particle dynamics including wall effects
PW Longest, C Kleinstreuer, JR Buchanan
Computers & Fluids 33 (4), 577-601, 2004
In vitro tests for aerosol deposition. I: Scaling a physical model of the upper airways to predict drug deposition variation in normal humans
RR Delvadia, PW Longest, PR Byron
Journal of aerosol medicine and pulmonary drug delivery 25 (1), 32-40, 2012
Comparison of ambient and spray aerosol deposition in a standard induction port and more realistic mouth–throat geometry
PW Longest, M Hindle, SD Choudhuri, J Xi
Journal of Aerosol Science 39 (7), 572-591, 2008
Computational investigation of particle inertia effects on submicron aerosol deposition in the respiratory tract
PW Longest, J Xi
Journal of Aerosol Science 38 (1), 111-130, 2007
Transport and deposition of respiratory aerosols in models of childhood asthma
PW Longest, S Vinchurkar, T Martonen
Journal of Aerosol Science 37 (10), 1234-1257, 2006
Validating CFD Predictions of Pharmaceutical Aerosol Deposition with In Vivo Data
G Tian, M Hindle, S Lee, PW Longest
Pharmaceutical research 32, 3170-3187, 2015
Condensational growth may contribute to the enhanced deposition of cigarette smoke particles in the upper respiratory tract
P Worth Longest, J Xi
Aerosol Science and Technology 42 (8), 579-602, 2008
Development of a stochastic individual path (SIP) model for predicting the tracheobronchial deposition of pharmaceutical aerosols: Effects of transient inhalation and sampling …
G Tian, PW Longest, G Su, RL Walenga, M Hindle
Journal of Aerosol Science 42 (11), 781-799, 2011
Use of computational fluid dynamics deposition modeling in respiratory drug delivery
PW Longest, K Bass, R Dutta, V Rani, ML Thomas, A El-Achwah, ...
Expert opinion on drug delivery 16 (1), 7-26, 2019
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