Статии с изисквания за обществен достъп - Christian J KählerНаучете повече
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Dynamics of laminar separation bubbles at low-Reynolds-number aerofoils
R Hain, CJ Kähler, R Radespiel
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 630, 129-153, 2009
Изисквания: German Research Foundation
A simple single camera 3C3D velocity measurement technique without errors due to depth of correlation and spatial averaging for microfluidics
C Cierpka, R Segura, R Hain, CJ Kähler
Measurement Science and Technology 21 (4), 045401, 2010
Изисквания: German Research Foundation
Fundamentals of multiframe particle image velocimetry (PIV)
R Hain, CJ Kähler
Experiments in fluids 42, 575-587, 2007
Изисквания: German Research Foundation
On the calibration of astigmatism particle tracking velocimetry for microflows
C Cierpka, M Rossi, R Segura, CJ Kähler
Measurement Science and Technology 22 (1), 015401, 2010
Изисквания: German Research Foundation
Scanning PIV investigation of the laminar separation bubble on a SD7003 airfoil
W Zhang, R Hain, CJ Kähler
Experiments in Fluids 45, 725-743, 2008
Изисквания: German Research Foundation
Lagrangian 3D particle tracking in high-speed flows: Shake-The-Box for multi-pulse systems
M Novara, D Schanz, N Reuther, CJ Kähler, A Schröder
Experiments in fluids 57, 1-20, 2016
Изисквания: German Research Foundation
Interaction of coherent flow structures in adverse pressure gradient turbulent boundary layers
M Bross, T Fuchs, CJ Kähler
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 873, 287-321, 2019
Изисквания: German Research Foundation
Analysis of characteristic wake flow modes on a generic transonic backward-facing step configuration
V Statnikov, I Bolgar, S Scharnowski, M Meinke, CJ Kähler, W Schröder
European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids 59, 124-134, 2016
Изисквания: German Research Foundation
Optimization of astigmatic particle tracking velocimeters
M Rossi, CJ Kähler
Experiments in fluids 55, 1-13, 2014
Изисквания: German Research Foundation
Highly resolved experimental results of the separated flow in a channel with streamwise periodic constrictions
CJ Kähler, S Scharnowski, C Cierpka
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 796, 257-284, 2016
Изисквания: German Research Foundation
Non-iterative double-frame 2D/3D particle tracking velocimetry
T Fuchs, R Hain, CJ Kähler
Experiments in Fluids 58, 1-5, 2017
Изисквания: German Research Foundation
A volumetric temperature and velocity measurement technique for microfluidics based on luminescence lifetime imaging
J Massing, CJ Kähler, C Cierpka
Experiments in Fluids 59, 1-13, 2018
Изисквания: German Research Foundation
Characterization of turbulent structures in a transonic backward-facing step flow
S Scharnowski, I Bolgar, CJ Kähler
Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 98, 947-967, 2017
Изисквания: German Research Foundation
In situ analysis of three-dimensional electrolyte convection evolving during the electrodeposition of copper in magnetic gradient fields
K Tschulik, C Cierpka, A Gebert, L Schultz, CJ Kähler, M Uhlemann
Analytical chemistry 83 (9), 3275-3281, 2011
Изисквания: German Research Foundation
Near-wall measurements of the bubble-and Lorentz-force-driven convection at gas-evolving electrodes
D Baczyzmalski, T Weier, CJ Kähler, C Cierpka
Experiments in Fluids 56, 1-13, 2015
Изисквания: German Research Foundation
Large-scale coherent structures in compressible turbulent boundary layers
M Bross, S Scharnowski, CJ Kähler
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 911, A2, 2021
Изисквания: German Research Foundation
The effect of the Mach number on a turbulent backward-facing step flow
I Bolgar, S Scharnowski, CJ Kähler
Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 101, 653-680, 2018
Изисквания: German Research Foundation
Disturbance-level and roughness-induced transition measurements in a conical boundary layer at Mach 6
D Heitmann, C Kähler, R Radespiel, T Rödiger, H Knauss, E Krämer
26th AIAA Aerodynamic Measurement Technology and Ground Testing Conference, 3951, 2008
Изисквания: German Research Foundation
Investigations on the characterization of laminar and transitional flow conditions after high pressure homogenization orifices
K Kelemen, FE Crowther, C Cierpka, LL Hecht, CJ Kähler, ...
Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 18, 599-612, 2015
Изисквания: German Research Foundation
Non-intrusive generation of instability waves in a planar hypersonic boundary layer
D Heitmann, C Kähler, R Radespiel, T Rödiger, H Knauss, S Wagner
Experiments in Fluids 50, 457-464, 2011
Изисквания: German Research Foundation
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