Maxim Portnyagin
Maxim Portnyagin
Senior scientist at GEOMAR, Kiel
Потвърден имейл адрес: geomar.de
Constraints on mantle melting and composition and nature of slab components in volcanic arcs from volatiles (H2O, S, Cl, F) and trace elements in melt inclusions from the …
M Portnyagin, K Hoernle, P Plechov, N Mironov, S Khubunaya
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 255 (1), 53-69, 2007
Experimental evidence for rapid water exchange between melt inclusions in olivine and host magma
M Portnyagin, R Almeev, S Matveev, F Holtz
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 272 (3-4), 541-552, 2008
Oxygen isotope evidence for slab melting in modern and ancient subduction zones
IN Bindeman, JM Eiler, GM Yogodzinski, Y Tatsumi, CR Stern, TL Grove, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 235 (3-4), 480-496, 2005
Solubility of H2O-and CO2-bearing fluids in tholeiitic basalts at pressures up to 500MPa
TA Shishkina, RE Botcharnikov, F Holtz, RR Almeev, MV Portnyagin
Chemical Geology 277 (1), 115-125, 2010
Komatiites reveal a hydrous Archaean deep-mantle reservoir
AV Sobolev, EV Asafov, AA Gurenko, NT Arndt, VG Batanova, ...
Nature 531 (7596), 628-632, 2016
Subduction cycling of volatiles and trace elements through the Central American volcanic arc: evidence from melt inclusions
SJ Sadofsky, M Portnyagin, K Hoernle, P van den Bogaard
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 155, 433-456, 2008
Drastic shift in lava geochemistry in the volcanic-front to rear-arc region of the Southern Kamchatkan subduction zone: Evidence for the transition from slab surface …
S Duggen, M Portnyagin, J Baker, D Ulfbeck, K Hoernle, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 71 (2), 452-480, 2007
Large-volume silicic volcanism in Kamchatka: Ar–Ar and U–Pb ages, isotopic, and geochemical characteristics of major pre-Holocene caldera-forming eruptions
IN Bindeman, VL Leonov, PE Izbekov, VV Ponomareva, KE Watts, ...
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 189 (1-2), 57-80, 2010
Geochemistry of primitive lavas of the Central Kamchatka Depression: magma generation at the edge of the Pacific Plate
M Portnyagin, I Bindeman, K Hoernle, F Hauff
The origin of hydrous, high-δ18O voluminous volcanism: diverse oxygen isotope values and high magmatic water contents within the volcanic record of …
S Auer, I Bindeman, P Wallace, V Ponomareva, M Portnyagin
Contributions to mineralogy and petrology 157, 209-230, 2009
Transition from arc to oceanic magmatism at the Kamchatka-Aleutian junction
M Portnyagin, K Hoernle, G Avdeiko, F Hauff, R Werner, I Bindeman, ...
Geology 33 (1), 25-28, 2005
New Olivine Reference Material for In Situ Microanalysis
VG Batanova, JM Thompson, LV Danyushevsky, MV Portnyagin, ...
Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research 43 (3), 453-473, 2019
The role of subducted basalt in the source of island arc magmas: Evidence from seafloor lavas of the western Aleutians
GM Yogodzinski, ST Brown, PB Kelemen, JD Vervoort, M Portnyagin, ...
Journal of Petrology 56 (3), 441-492, 2015
Quantification of the CO2 budget and H2O–CO2 systematics in subduction-zone magmas through the experimental hydration of melt inclusions in olivine at high H2O pressure
N Mironov, M Portnyagin, R Botcharnikov, A Gurenko, K Hoernle, F Holtz
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 425, 1-11, 2015
Deep hydrous mantle reservoir provides evidence for crustal recycling before 3.3 billion years ago
AV Sobolev, EV Asafov, AA Gurenko, NT Arndt, VG Batanova, ...
Nature 571 (7766), 555-559, 2019
Geochemistry of the late Holocene rocks from the Tolbachik volcanic field, Kamchatka: Quantitative modelling of subduction-related open magmatic systems
M Portnyagin, S Duggen, F Hauff, N Mironov, I Bindeman, M Thirlwall, ...
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 307, 133-155, 2015
Fluid bubbles in melt inclusions and pillow-rim glasses: high-temperature precursors to hydrothermal fluids?
VS Kamenetsky, P Davidson, TP Mernagh, AJ Crawford, JB Gemmell, ...
Chemical Geology 183 (1-4), 349-364, 2002
Tephra from andesitic Shiveluch volcano, Kamchatka, NW Pacific: chronology of explosive eruptions and geochemical fingerprinting of volcanic glass
V Ponomareva, M Portnyagin, M Pevzner, M Blaauw, P Kyle, A Derkachev
International Journal of Earth Sciences 104, 1459-1482, 2015
Petrogenesis of olivine-phyric basalts from the Aphanasey Nikitin Rise: Evidence for contamination by cratonic lower continental crust
AY Borisova, BV Belyatsky, MV Portnyagin, NM Sushchevskaya
Journal of Petrology 42 (2), 277-319, 2001
Incompatible element partitioning between clinopyroxene and basalt liquid revealed by the study of melt inclusions in minerals from Troodos lavas, Cyprus
AV Sobolev, AA Migdisov, MV Portnyagin
Petrology 4 (3), 307-317, 1996
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