Marina Georgiou
Marina Georgiou
Потвърден имейл адрес: phys.uoa.gr
A Study of Intense Local dB/dt Variations During Two Geomagnetic Storms
CM Ngwira, D Sibeck, MVD Silveira, M Georgiou, JM Weygand, ...
Space Weather 16 (6), 676-693, 2018
The major geoeffective solar eruptions of 2012 March 7: comprehensive Sun-to-Earth analysis
S Patsourakos, MK Georgoulis, A Vourlidas, A Nindos, T Sarris, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 817 (1), 14, 2016
Magnetospheric ULF wave studies in the frame of Swarm mission: a time-frequency analysis tool for automated detection of pulsations in magnetic and electric field observations
G Balasis, IA Daglis, M Georgiou, C Papadimitriou, R Haagmans
Earth, Planets and Space 65, 1385-1398, 2013
ULF Wave Driven Radial Diffusion During Geomagnetic Storms: A statistical analysis of Van Allen Probes observations
JK Sandhu, IJ Rae, JR Wygant, AW Breneman, S Tian, CEJ Watt, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, e2020JA029024, 2021
Recurrence‐based quantification of dynamical complexity in the Earth's magnetosphere at geospace storm timescales
RV Donner, G Balasis, V Stolbova, M Georgiou, M Wiedermann, J Kurths
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 124 (1), 90-108, 2019
ULF wave activity during the 2003 Halloween superstorm: multipoint observations from CHAMP, Cluster and Geotail missions
G Balasis, IA Daglis, E Zesta, C Papadimitriou, M Georgiou, R Haagmans, ...
Annales Geophysicae 30 (12), 1751-1768, 2012
From solar sneezing to killer electrons: outer radiation belt response to solar eruptions
IA Daglis, C Katsavrias, M Georgiou
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 377 (2148), 20180097, 2019
Nonstorm loss of relativistic electrons in the outer radiation belt
C Katsavrias, IA Daglis, DL Turner, I Sandberg, C Papadimitriou, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 42 (24), 10,521-10,530, 2015
How do ultra‐low frequency waves access the inner magnetosphere during geomagnetic storms?
IJ Rae, KR Murphy, CEJ Watt, JK Sandhu, M Georgiou, AW Degeling, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 46 (19), 10699-10709, 2019
Temporal organization of magnetospheric fluctuations unveiled by recurrence patterns in the Dst index
RV Donner, V Stolbova, G Balasis, JF Donges, M Georgiou, SM Potirakis, ...
arXiv:1802.01426, 2018
Ultra‐Low Frequency waves as an intermediary for solar wind energy input into the radiation belts
M Georgiou, I Daglis, J Rae, E Zesta, D Sibeck, I Mann, G Balasis, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research - Space Physics, 2018
Combined effects of concurrent Pc5 and chorus waves on relativistic electron dynamics
C Katsavrias, IA Daglis, W Li, S Dimitrakoudis, M Georgiou, DL Turner, ...
Annales Geophysicae 33 (9), 1173-1181, 2015
On the generation of Pi2 pulsations due to plasma flow patterns around magnetosheath jets
C Katsavrias, S Raptis, IA Daglis, T Karlsson, M Georgiou, G Balasis
Geophysical Research Letters 48 (15), e2021GL093611, 2021
Association of radiation belt electron enhancements with earthward penetration of Pc5 ULF waves: A case study of intense 2001 magnetic storms
M Georgiou, IA Daglis, E Zesta, G Balasis, IR Mann, C Katsavrias, ...
Annales Geophysicae 33 (11), 1431-1442, 2015
Multi-satellite study of the excitation of Pc3 and Pc4-5 ULF waves and their penetration across the plasmapause during the 2003 Halloween superstorm
G Balasis, IA Daglis, IR Mann, C Papadimitriou, E Zesta, M Georgiou, ...
Annales Geophysicae 33 (10), 1237-1252, 2015
Contribution of ULF wave activity to the global recovery of the outer radiation belt during the passage of a high‐speed solar wind stream observed in September 2014
LA Da Silva, D Sibeck, LR Alves, VM Souza, PR Jauer, SG Claudepierre, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 124 (3), 1660-1678, 2019
The “SafeSpace” database of ULF power spectral density and radial diffusion coefficients: Dependencies and application to simulations
C Katsavrias, A Nasi, IA Daglis, S Aminalragia-Giamini, N Dahmen, ...
Annales geophysicae 40 (3), 379, 2022
On the application of the Wigner–Ville distribution to the identification and analysis of Pc5 waves events
M Georgiou, IA Daglis, G Balasis, E Zesta, KH Yumoto, K Tsinganos
European Planetary Science Congress 5, 2010
Solar Type II and Type IV Radio Bursts associated with CMEs and Flares occuring during the rise phase and maximum of the recent Solar Cycle 23.
M Georgiou, P Preka-Papadema, X Moussas, J Polygiannakis, A Hillaris
35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly 35, 2327, 2004
Monitoring, analyzing and assessing radiation belt loss and energization
IA Daglis, S Bourdarie, Y Khotyaintsev, O Santolik, R Horne, I Mann, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 14, 9014, 2012
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