Alina Sorescu
Alina Sorescu
Professor of Marketing, Mays Business School
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Innovations in retail business models
A Sorescu, RT Frambach, J Singh, A Rangaswamy, C Bridges
Journal of retailing 87, S3-S16, 2011
Sources and financial consequences of radical innovation: Insights from pharmaceuticals
AB Sorescu, RK Chandy, JC Prabhu
Journal of marketing 67 (4), 82-102, 2003
Innovation's effect on firm value and risk: Insights from consumer packaged goods
AB Sorescu, J Spanjol
Journal of Marketing 72 (2), 114-132, 2008
Branding in a hyperconnected world: Refocusing theories and rethinking boundaries
V Swaminathan, A Sorescu, JBEM Steenkamp, TCG O’Guinn, B Schmitt
Journal of marketing 84 (2), 24-46, 2020
Data‐driven business model innovation
A Sorescu
Journal of Product Innovation Management 34 (5), 691-696, 2017
Event study methodology in the marketing literature: an overview
A Sorescu, NL Warren, L Ertekin
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 45, 186-207, 2017
On ChatGPT and beyond: How generative artificial intelligence may affect research, teaching, and practice
R Peres, M Schreier, D Schweidel, A Sorescu
International Journal of Research in Marketing 40 (2), 269-275, 2023
New product preannouncements and shareholder value: Don't make promises you can't keep
A Sorescu, V Shankar, T Kushwaha
Journal of marketing research 44 (3), 468-489, 2007
Employee-based brand equity: Why firms with strong brands pay their executives less
NT Tavassoli, A Sorescu, R Chandy
Journal of Marketing Research 51 (6), 676-690, 2014
Why some acquisitions do better than others: product capital as a driver of long-term stock returns
AB Sorescu, RK Chandy, JC Prabhu
Journal of Marketing Research 44 (1), 57-72, 2007
Blockchain meets marketing: Opportunities, threats, and avenues for future research
R Peres, M Schreier, DA Schweidel, A Sorescu
International Journal of Research in Marketing 40 (1), 1-11, 2023
The impact of corporate social responsibility on brand sales: An accountability perspective
D Nickerson, M Lowe, A Pattabhiramaiah, A Sorescu
Journal of Marketing 86 (2), 5-28, 2022
Negative comparative advertising: Evidence favoring fine-tuning
AB Sorescu, BD Gelb
Journal of Advertising 29 (4), 25-40, 2000
Innovation in the digital economy: A broader view of its scope, antecedents, and consequences
A Sorescu, M Schreier
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 49 (4), 627-631, 2021
Customer satisfaction and long-term stock returns
A Sorescu, SM Sorescu
Journal of Marketing 80 (5), 110-115, 2016
Wedded bliss or tainted love? Stock market reactions to the introduction of cobranded products
Z Cao, A Sorescu
Marketing Science 32 (6), 939-959, 2013
Interpreting the stock returns to new product announcements: How the past shapes investors’ expectations of the future
NL Warren, A Sorescu
Journal of Marketing Research 54 (5), 799-815, 2017
Hands off my brand! The financial consequences of protecting brands through trademark infringement lawsuits
L Ertekin, A Sorescu, MB Houston
Journal of Marketing 82 (5), 45-65, 2018
When 1+ 1> 2: How investors react to new product releases announced concurrently with other corporate news
NL Warren, A Sorescu
Journal of Marketing 81 (2), 64-82, 2017
A marketing perspective on business models
H Gatignon, X Lecocq, K Pauwels, A Sorescu
AMS Review 7, 85-89, 2017
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