Francisco Manuel Castro
Francisco Manuel Castro
Потвърден имейл адрес: uma.es
End-to-end incremental learning
FM Castro, MJ Marín-Jiménez, N Guil, C Schmid, K Alahari
Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 233-248, 2018
Automatic learning of gait signatures for people identification
FM Castro, MJ Marín-Jiménez, N Guil, N Pérez de la Blanca
International work-conference on artificial neural networks, 257-270, 2017
An End-to-End Multi-Task and Fusion CNN for Inertial-Based Gait Recognition
R Delgado-Escaño, FM Castro, JR Cózar, MJ Marín-Jiménez, N Guil
IEEE Access 7, 1897-1908, 2019
Deep multi-task learning for gait-based biometrics
MJ Marín-Jiménez, FM Castro, N Guil, F de la Torre, R Medina-Carnicer
2017 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 106-110, 2017
Multimodal feature fusion for CNN-based gait recognition: an empirical comparison
FM Castro, MJ Marín-Jiménez, N Guil, NP de la Blanca
Neural Computing and Applications, 1-21, 2020
Fisher Motion Descriptor for Multiview Gait Recognition
FM Castro, MJ Marín-Jiménez, NG Mata, R Muñoz-Salinas
International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence 31 …, 2017
A cross-dataset deep learning-based classifier for people fall detection and identification
R Delgado-Escaño, FM Castro, JR Cózar, MJ Marín-Jiménez, N Guil, ...
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 184, 105265, 2020
Pyramidal Fisher Motion for Multiview Gait Recognition
FM Castro, MJ Marín-Jimenez, R Medina-Carnicer
Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2014 22nd International Conference on, 1692-1697, 2014
Multimodal features fusion for gait, gender and shoes recognition
FM Castro, MJ Marín-Jiménez, N Guil
Machine Vision and Applications 27 (8), 1213-1228, 2016
Evaluation of CNN architectures for gait recognition based on optical flow maps
FM Castro, MJ Marín-Jiménez, N Guil, S López-Tapia, ...
International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group, BIOSIG …, 2017
UGaitNet: Multimodal Gait Recognition With Missing Input Modalities
MJ Marín-Jiménez, FM Castro, R Delgado-Escaño, V Kalogeiton, N Guil
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 16, 5452-5462, 2021
Energy‐based tuning of convolutional neural networks on multi‐GPUs
FM Castro, N Guil, MJ Marín‐Jiménez, J Pérez‐Serrano, M Ujaldón
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 31 (21), e4786, 2019
ReSGait: The Real-Scene Gait Dataset
Z Mu, FM Castro, MJ Marín-Jiménez, N Guil, YR Li, S Yu
2021 IEEE International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB), 1-8, 2021
On how to improve tracklet-based gait recognition systems
MJ Marín-Jiménez, FM Castro, Á Carmona-Poyato, N Guil
Pattern Recognition Letters 68, 103-110, 2015
AttenGait: Gait recognition with attention and rich modalities
FM Castro, R Delgado-Escaño, R Hernández-García, MJ Marín-Jiménez, ...
Pattern Recognition 148, 110171, 2024
Anomalous object detection by active search with PTZ cameras
E López-Rubio, MA Molina-Cabello, FM Castro, RM Luque-Baena, ...
Expert Systems with Applications 181, 115150, 2021
Evaluation of end-to-end CNN models for palm vein recognition
JI Santamaría, R Hernández-García, RJ Barrientos, FM Castro, ...
2021 40th International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society …, 2021
MuPeG—The Multiple Person Gait Framework
R Delgado-Escaño, FM Castro, JR Cózar, MJ Marín-Jiménez, N Guil
Sensors 20 (5), 1358, 2020
High performance inference of gait recognition models on embedded systems
P Ruiz-Barroso, FM Castro, R Delgado-Escaño, J Ramos-Cózar, N Guil
Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems 36, 100814, 2022
Multimodal Gait Recognition Under Missing Modalities
R Delgado-Escaño, FM Castro, N Guil, V Kalogeiton, MJ Marín-Jiménez
2021 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 3003-3007, 2021
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