Nan Zhang
Legibility and the Informational Foundations of State Capacity
M Lee, N Zhang
Journal of Politics, 2016
Observing many researchers using the same data and hypothesis reveals a hidden universe of uncertainty
N Breznau, EM Rinke, A Wuttke, HHV Nguyen, M Adem, J Adriaans, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (44), e2203150119, 2022
“Willing to Pay?” Tax Compliance in Britain and Italy: an Experimental Analysis
N Zhang, G Andrighetto, S Ottone, F Ponzano, S Steinmo
PLosOne 11 (2), 1-14, 2016
Are some countries more honest than others? Evidence from a tax compliance experiment in Sweden and Italy
G Andrighetto, N Zhang, S Ottone, F Ponzano, J D'Attoma, S Steinmo
Frontiers in Psychology 7 (242), 1-8, 2016
Social norm enforcement in ethnically diverse communities
F Winter, N Zhang
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (11), 2722-2727, 2018
Literacy and state–society interactions in nineteenth‐century France
N Zhang, MM Lee
American Journal of Political Science 64 (4), 1001-1016, 2020
Prosocial behaviour in interethnic encounters: evidence from a field experiment with high-and low-status immigrants
N Zhang, A Aidenberger, H Rauhut, F Winter
European Sociological Review 35 (4), 582-597, 2019
Changing a ‘culture’ of corruption: Evidence from an economic experiment in Italy
N Zhang
Rationality & Society 27 (4), 387-413, 2015
Everyday discrimination in public spaces: a field experiment in the Milan Metro
N Zhang, J Gereke, D Baldassarri
European Sociological Review 38 (5), 679-693, 2022
Institutions, norms, and accountability: A corruption experiment with northern and southern italians
N Zhang
Journal of Experimental Political Science 5 (1), 11-25, 2018
Safe mathare: a mobile system for women's safe commutes in the slums
M Hagan, N Zhang, JJ Kaye
Proceedings of the 14th international conference on Human-computer …, 2012
The Crowdsourced Replication Initiative: Investigating Immigration and Social Policy Preferences. Executive Report.
N Breznau, EM Rinke, A Wuttke, M Adem, J Adriaans, ...
The effects of combating corruption on institutional trust and political engagement: Evidence from Latin America
M Poertner, N Zhang
Political Science Research and Methods 12 (3), 633-642, 2024
The Art of Counting the Governed: Civil War, Census Accuracy, and State Presence
M Lee, N Zhang
APSA 2013 Annual Meeting Paper, 2013
How many replicators does it take to achieve reliability? Investigating researcher variability in a crowdsourced replication
N Breznau, EM Rinke, A Wuttke, HHV Nguyen, M Adem
retrieved from SocArXiv, doi 10, 2021
Anti-Corruption Efforts and Public Opinion in China: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in an Autocratic Regime
N Zhang
Working paper, 2015
Norms of prejudice: political identity and polarization
AB Amalia, F Winter, N Zhang
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 379 (1897), 20230030, 2024
Demographic change and group boundaries in Germany: The effect of projected demographic decline on perceptions of who has a migration background
J Gereke, J Hellyer, J Behnert, S Exner, A Herbel, F Jäger, D Lajic, ...
Sociological Science 9, 206-220, 2022
Are Swedes more honest than Italians? Ordinary dishonesty in cross-country tax compliance experiments
G Andrighetto, J D’Attoma, S Ottone, F Ponzano, N Zhang, S Steinmo
Frontiers of Psychology 7, 472-80, 2016
Willing to Pay? An Experimental Analysis of Tax Compliance in Britain and Italy
N Zhang, G Andrighetto, S Ottone, F Ponzano, S Steinmo
PLOS ONE 11 (2), 1-46, 2016
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