Prediction of enteric methane production, yield, and intensity in dairy cattle using an intercontinental database M Niu, E Kebreab, AN Hristov, J Oh, C Arndt, A Bannink, AR Bayat, ... Global change biology 24 (8), 3368-3389, 2018 | 286 | 2018 |
Effects of different protein supplements on milk production and nutrient utilization in lactating dairy cows AF Brito, GA Broderick Journal of Dairy Science 90 (4), 1816-1827, 2007 | 208 | 2007 |
Symposium review: Uncertainties in enteric methane inventories, measurement techniques, and prediction models AN Hristov, E Kebreab, M Niu, J Oh, A Bannink, AR Bayat, TM Boland, ... Journal of dairy science 101 (7), 6655-6674, 2018 | 178 | 2018 |
Effect of varying dietary ratios of alfalfa silage to corn silage on production and nitrogen utilization in lactating dairy cows AF Brito, GA Broderick Journal of Dairy Science 89 (10), 3924-3938, 2006 | 132 | 2006 |
Climate change effects on livestock in the Northeast US and strategies for adaptation AN Hristov, AT Degaetano, CA Rotz, E Hoberg, RH Skinner, T Felix, H Li, ... Climatic Change 146, 33-45, 2018 | 120 | 2018 |
Nutrient digestibility, nitrogen metabolism and hepatic function of sheep fed diets containing solvent or expeller castorseed meal treated with calcium hydroxide AS De Oliveira, JMS Campos, MRC Oliveira, AF Brito, SC Valadares Filho, ... Animal Feed Science and Technology 158 (1-2), 15-28, 2010 | 115 | 2010 |
Alfalfa cut at sundown and harvested as baleage increases bacterial protein synthesis in late-lactation dairy cows AF Brito, GF Tremblay, H Lapierre, A Bertrand, Y Castonguay, G Bélanger, ... Journal of Dairy Science 92 (3), 1092-1107, 2009 | 115 | 2009 |
Alfalfa cut at sundown and harvested as baleage improves milk yield of late-lactation dairy cows AF Brito, GF Tremblay, A Bertrand, Y Castonguay, G Bélanger, R Michaud, ... Journal of Dairy Science 91 (10), 3968-3982, 2008 | 114 | 2008 |
Omasal flow of soluble proteins, peptides, and free amino acids in dairy cows fed diets supplemented with proteins of varying ruminal degradabilities SM Reynal, IR Ipharraguerre, M Lineiro, AF Brito, GA Broderick, JH Clark Journal of dairy science 90 (4), 1887-1903, 2007 | 112 | 2007 |
Effects of different protein supplements on omasal nutrient flow and microbial protein synthesis in lactating dairy cows AF Brito, GA Broderick, SM Reynal Journal of dairy science 90 (4), 1828-1841, 2007 | 105 | 2007 |
Effects of nonstructural carbohydrate concentration in alfalfa on fermentation and microbial protein synthesis in continuous culture R Berthiaume, C Benchaar, AV Chaves, GF Tremblay, Y Castonguay, ... Journal of dairy science 93 (2), 693-700, 2010 | 84 | 2010 |
Qualidade de silagens de híbridos de sorgo (Soghum bicolor (L.) Moench) de portes baixo, médio e alto com diferentes proporções de colmo+ folhas/panícula: 1. Avaliação do … FF Silva, LC Gonçalves, JAS Rodrigues, CES Corrêa, NM Rodriguez, ... Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia 28, 14-20, 1999 | 83 | 1999 |
Effect of varying dietary ratios of alfalfa silage to corn silage on omasal flow and microbial protein synthesis in dairy cows AF Brito, GA Broderick, SM Reynal Journal of dairy science 89 (10), 3939-3953, 2006 | 79 | 2006 |
Effects of feeding formate-treated alfalfa silage or red clover silage on the production of lactating dairy cows GA Broderick, AF Brito, JJO Colmenero Journal of Dairy Science 90 (3), 1378-1391, 2007 | 76 | 2007 |
Production, milk iodine, and nutrient utilization in Jersey cows supplemented with the brown seaweed Ascophyllum nodosum (kelp meal) during the grazing season NT Antaya, M Ghelichkhan, ABD Pereira, KJ Soder, AF Brito Journal of Dairy Science 102 (9), 8040-8058, 2019 | 74 | 2019 |
Incremental amounts of Ascophyllum nodosum meal do not improve animal performance but do increase milk iodine output in early lactation dairy cows fed high-forage diets NT Antaya, KJ Soder, J Kraft, NL Whitehouse, NE Guindon, PS Erickson, ... Journal of Dairy Science 98 (3), 1991-2004, 2015 | 71 | 2015 |
Sugarcane industrial byproducts as challenges to environmental safety and their remedies: A review QUA Raza, MA Bashir, A Rehim, MU Sial, HM Ali Raza, HM Atif, AF Brito, ... Water 13 (24), 3495, 2021 | 61 | 2021 |
Effects of feeding formate-treated alfalfa silage or red clover silage on omasal nutrient flow and microbial protein synthesis in lactating dairy cows AF Brito, GA Broderick, JJO Colmenero, SM Reynal Journal of Dairy Science 90 (3), 1392-1404, 2007 | 54 | 2007 |
A review of lignan metabolism, milk enterolactone concentration, and antioxidant status of dairy cows fed flaxseed AF Brito, Y Zang Molecules 24 (1), 41, 2018 | 53 | 2018 |
Short dry period management improves peripartum ruminal adaptation in dairy cows MS Jolicoeur, AF Brito, DE Santschi, D Pellerin, D Lefebvre, R Berthiaume, ... Journal of Dairy Science 97 (12), 7655-7667, 2014 | 47 | 2014 |