Статии с изисквания за обществен достъп - Robert HandlerНаучете повече
Не е налице никъде: 12
Low-carbon aviation fuel through the alcohol to jet pathway
KP Brooks, LJ Snowden-Swan, SB Jones, MG Butcher, GSJ Lee, ...
Biofuels for aviation, 109-150, 2016
Изисквания: US Department of Energy
Securing the feedstock procurement for bioenergy products: a literature review on the biomass transportation and logistics
S Ko, P Lautala, RM Handler
Journal of Cleaner Production 200, 205-218, 2018
Изисквания: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Transportation
The methodology and results of using life cycle assessment to measure and reduce the greenhouse gas emissions footprint of “Major Events” at the University of Arizona
L Edwards, J Knight, R Handler, J Abraham, P Blowers
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 21, 536-554, 2016
Изисквания: US National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Transformation of Liquid Digestate from the Solid-Separated Biogas Digestion Reactor Effluent into a Solid NH4HCO3 Fertilizer: Sustainable Process Engineering …
D Drapanauskaite, RM Handler, N Fox, J Baltrusaitis
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 9 (1), 580-588, 2020
Изисквания: US Department of Agriculture
Carbon Footprint Analysis of Gasoline and Diesel from Forest Residues and Algae using Integrated Hydropyrolysis and Hydroconversion Plus Fischer–Tropsch (IH2 Plus cool GTL)
O Winjobi, H Tavakoli, B Klemetsrud, R Handler, T Marker, M Roberts, ...
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 6 (8), 10766-10777, 2018
Изисквания: US Department of Energy
Solar steam generation integration into the ammonium bicarbonate recovery from liquid biomass digestate: Process modeling and life cycle assessment
JC Centorcelli, D Drapanauskaite, RM Handler, J Baltrusaitis
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 9 (45), 15278-15286, 2021
Изисквания: US Department of Agriculture
Modeling water‐energy tradeoffs for cultivating algae for biofuels in a semi‐arid region with fresh and brackish water supplies
A Mayer, H Tavakoli, C Fessel Doan, A Heidari, R Handler
Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining 14 (6), 1254-1269, 2020
Изисквания: US Department of Agriculture
Environmental life cycle assessment of methane biocatalysis: key considerations and potential impacts
RM Handler, DR Shonnard
Methane biocatalysis: paving the way to sustainability, 253-270, 2018
Изисквания: US Department of Energy
Transdisciplinary research teams: Broadening the scope of who participates in research
EC Pischke, KE Halvorsen, TH Mwampamba, L House-Peters, ...
A research agenda for environmental management, 43-54, 2019
Изисквания: US National Science Foundation
Integrating across sectors and disciplines: transdisciplinary teamwork challenges and strategies
KE Halvorsen, JL Knowlton, RM Handler, C Schelly, EC Pischke
A Research Agenda for Environmental Management, 35-42, 2019
Изисквания: US National Science Foundation
Lessons from the transdisciplinary, international BIOPIRE project
JL Dunn, JL Knowlton, RM Handler, EC Pischke, KE Halvorsen, ...
A Research Agenda for Environmental Management, 107, 2019
Изисквания: US National Science Foundation
Governing sustainability and environmental management: what, why and how?
EC Pischke, RM Handler, JL Knowlton
A Research Agenda for Environmental Management, 8-20, 2019
Изисквания: US National Science Foundation
Налице някъде: 27
Fe (II)-catalyzed recrystallization of goethite revisited
RM Handler, AJ Frierdich, CM Johnson, KM Rosso, BL Beard, C Wang, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 48 (19), 11302-11311, 2014
Изисквания: US Department of Energy
Life cycle assessments of ethanol production via gas fermentation: anticipated greenhouse gas emissions for cellulosic and waste gas feedstocks
RM Handler, DR Shonnard, EM Griffing, A Lai, I Palou-Rivera
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 55 (12), 3253-3261, 2016
Изисквания: US Department of Energy
Opportunities and challenges in the design and analysis of biomass supply chains
PT Lautala, MR Hilliard, E Webb, I Busch, J Richard Hess, MS Roni, ...
Environmental management 56, 1397-1415, 2015
Изисквания: US Department of Energy
Systems analysis approach to polyethylene terephthalate and olefin plastics supply chains in the circular economy: a review of data sets and models
US Chaudhari, Y Lin, VS Thompson, RM Handler, JM Pearce, G Caneba, ...
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 9 (22), 7403-7421, 2021
Изисквания: US Department of Energy
Advances on the processing of Jatropha curcas towards a whole-crop biorefinery
FS Navarro-Pineda, SA Baz-Rodríguez, R Handler, ...
Renewable and sustainable energy reviews 54, 247-269, 2016
Изисквания: US National Science Foundation
Implications of widespread algal biofuels production on macronutrient fertilizer supplies: Nutrient demand and evaluation of potential alternate nutrient sources
CE Canter, P Blowers, RM Handler, DR Shonnard
Applied Energy 143, 71-80, 2015
Изисквания: US Department of Energy
Life-cycle assessment of forest harvesting and transportation operations in Tennessee
D Abbas, RM Handler
Journal of Cleaner Production 176, 512-520, 2018
Изисквания: US Department of Agriculture
Life cycle assessment of novel technologies for algae harvesting and oil extraction in the renewable diesel pathway
R Shi, RM Handler, DR Shonnard
Algal Research 37, 248-259, 2019
Изисквания: US Department of Energy
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