Bryan H. Reber
Bryan H. Reber
Потвърден имейл адрес: UGA.edu
Public relations: Strategies and tactics
DL Wilcox, GT Cameron, BH Reber
Pearson, 2015
Relationship building and the use of Web sites: How Fortune 500 corporations use their Web sites to build relationships
H Park, BH Reber
Public Relations Review 34 (4), 409-411, 2008
Tweeting as health communication: health organizations’ use of Twitter for health promotion and public engagement
H Park, BH Reber, MG Chon
Journal of health communication 21 (2), 188-198, 2016
Gaining influence in public relations: The role of resistance in practice
BK Berger, BH Reber
Routledge, 2006
Public relations: writing and media techniques
DL Wilcox, BH Reber
Pearson, 2014
How activist groups use websites in media relations: Evaluating online press rooms
BH Reber, JK Kim
Journal of public relations research 18 (4), 313-333, 2006
Public relations’ place in corporate social responsibility: Practitioners define their role
SY Kim, BH Reber
Public relations review 34 (4), 337-342, 2008
Getting past platitudes: Factors limiting accommodation in public relations
GT Cameron, F Cropp, BH Reber
Journal of Communication Management 5 (3), 242-261, 2001
Dimensions of disclosures: Corporate social responsibility (CSR) reporting by media companies
J Hou, BH Reber
Public Relations Review 37 (2), 166-168, 2011
Framing analysis of activist rhetoric: How the Sierra Club succeeds or fails at creating salient messages
BH Reber, BK Berger
Public Relations Review 31 (2), 185-195, 2005
Assessing Q-assessor: a validation study of computer-based Q sorts versus paper sorts
BH Reber, SE Kaufman, F Cropp
Operant Subjectivity 23 (4), 2000
Measuring contingencies: Using scales to measure public relations practitioner limits to accommodation
BH Reber, GT Cameron
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 80 (2), 431-446, 2003
Using public relations to promote health: A framing analysis of public relations strategies among health associations
H Park, BH Reber
Journal of Health Communication 15 (1), 39-54, 2010
Think public relations
DL Wilcox, GT Cameron, BH Reber, JH Shin
Pearson, 2014
Finding influence: examining the role of influence in public relations practice
BH Reber, BK Berger
Journal of Communication Management 10 (3), 235-249, 2006
Public relations today: Managing competition and conflict
GT Cameron, DL Wilcox
Allyn & Bacon, 2007
Examination of media channels and types as health information sources for adolescents: Comparisons for black/white, male/female, urban/rural
RW Lariscy, BH Reber, HJ Paek
Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 54 (1), 102-120, 2010
The organization-public relationship and crisis communication: The effect of the organization-public relationship on publics' perceptions of crisis and attitudes toward the …
H Park, BH Reber
International Journal of Strategic Communication 5 (4), 240-260, 2011
Roles of interpersonal and media socialization agents in adolescent self-reported health literacy: a health socialization perspective
HJ Paek, BH Reber, RW Lariscy
Health education research 26 (1), 131-149, 2011
The new dynamic in corporate media relations: How Fortune 500 companies are using virtual press rooms to engage the press
JE Pettigrew, BH Reber
Journal of public relations research 22 (4), 404-428, 2010
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