Adam Kristowski
Adam Kristowski
Потвърден имейл адрес: pg.gda.pl
Cost analysis of prefabricated elements of the ordinary and lightweight concrete walls in residential construction
M Kurpinska, B Grzyl, A Kristowski
Materials 12 (21), 3629, 2019
Risk modelling with Bayesian Networks-case study: construction of tunnel under the Dead Vistula River in Gdansk
MW Kembłowski, B Grzyl, A Kristowski, A Siemaszko
Procedia Engineering 196, 585-591, 2017
The cost analysis of corrosion protection solutions for steel components in terms of the object life cycle cost
D Kowalski, B Grzyl, A Kristowski
Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports, 2017
Application of game theory to conflict management in a construction contract
B Grzyl, M Apollo, A Kristowski
Sustainability 11 (7), 1983, 2019
Methods of estimating the cost of traffic safety equipment’s life cycle
B Grzyl, A Kristowski, K Jamroz, A Gobis
MATEC Web of Conferences 122, 02003, 2017
The application of granulated expanded glass aggregate with cement grout as an alternative solution for sub-grade and frost-protection sub-base layer in road construction
M Kurpińska, B Grzyl, M Pszczola, A Kristowski
Materials 12 (21), 3528, 2019
Bezpieczeństwo planowania procesu budowy z uwzględnieniem ryzyka, niepewności i zakłóceń
A Kristowski
Przegląd budowlany 76, 48-50, 2005
The rigid and flexible road pavements in terms of life cycle costs
A Kristowski, B Grzyl, M Kurpińska, M Pszczoła
BIM jako narzędzie wspomagające zarządzanie ryzykiem przedsięwzięcia inwestycyjnego
B Grzyl, A Kristowski
Materiały budowlane, 52-54, 2016
Zarządzanie eksploatacją obiektu w ujęciu kosztów cyklu życia
B Grzyl, M Apollo, E Miszewska-Urbanska, A Kristowski
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Architectura 16 (2), 2017
A model for risk assessment and management of construction projects in urban conditions
A Siemaszko, B Grzyl, A Kristowski
2018 Baltic Geodetic Congress (BGC Geomatics), 7-11, 2018
Proposed method for estimating the costs of safety barrier life cycle
K Jamroz, A Gobis, A Kristowski, B Grzyl
MATEC Web of Conferences 231, 1-8, 2018
The criteria for evaluation and selection the best tender applied by the authorities in Poland and selected EU countries
B Grzyl, M Apollo, E Miszewska, A Kristowski
MATEC Web of Conferences 219 (MATEC Web Conf. Volume 219, 2018 2nd Baltic …, 2018
Analysis and Risk Evaluation on the Case of Alteration, Revitalization and Conversion of a Historic Building in Gdańsk
B Grzyl, A Kristowski, E Miszewska-Urbańska
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 245 (8), 082049, 2017
Organizacja badań poligonowych budowy wybranych systemów deskowań
A Kristowski, Ł Majkowski
Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Rzeszowskiej. Budownictwo i Inżynieria …, 2011
Comparing the Effectiveness of ANNs and SVMs in Forecasting the Impact of Traffic-Induced Vibrations on Building
A Jakubczyk-Gałczyńska, A Kristowski, R Jankowski
2017 Baltic Geodetic Congress (BGC Geomatics), 121-125, 2017
Modelowanie niepewności w harmonogramowaniu budowy podpór mostów składanych
A Kristowski
Praca doktorska. Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna, Warszawa, 2002
Evidence-based risk management for civil engineering projects using Bayesian belief networks (BBN)
A Siemaszko, B Grzyl, A Kristowski
2018 Baltic Geodetic Congress (BGC Geomatics), 191-195, 2018
Risk sharing in the construction work contracts
M Apollo, A Siemaszko, A Kristowski
Application of Support Vector Machine for Determination of Impact of Traffic-Induced Vibrations on Buildings
A Jakubczyk-Gałczyńska, A Kristowski, R Jankowski
Intelligent Systems in Production Engineering and Maintenance–ISPEM 2017 …, 2018
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