Inter American University of Puerto Rico
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Buck converter and SEPIC based electronic power supply design with MPPT and voltage regulation for small satellite applications
R Darbali-Zamora, N Cobo-Yepes, JE Salazar-Duque, EI Ortiz-Rivera, ...
2017 IEEE 44th Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSC), 2963-2968, 2017
Design and thermal testing of a power supply prototype for the space plasma ionic charge analyzer (SPICA) CubeSat
R Darbali-Zamora, D Merced-Cirino, J Rivera-Alamo, EI Ortiz-Rivera, ...
2015 IEEE 42nd Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSC), 1-6, 2015
Applying HOL/PBL to prepare undergraduate students into graduate level studies in the field of aerospace engineering using the Puerto Rico Cubesat project initiative
R Darbali-Zamora, N Cobo-Yepes, EI Ortiz-Rivera, EE Aponte-Bezares, ...
2018 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 1-8, 2018
Dynamic real-time simulation approach to power management modelling for CubeSat applications
R Darbali-Zamora, EI Ortiz-Rivera, AA Rincon-Charris
2019 IEEE 46th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), 2792-2797, 2019
The Puerto Rico CubeSat project to attract STEM students into the area of aerospace engineering
R Darbali-Zamora, EI Ortiz-Rivera, AA Rincon-Charris
2015 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 1-7, 2015
Analytical photovoltaic mathematical model with varying inclination angle for satellite applications
R Darbali-Zamora, EI Ortiz-Rivera, AA Rincon-Charris
2016 IEEE ANDESCON, 1-4, 2016
Multiple fault detection and diagnosis in a gas turbine using nonlinear principal component analysis and structured residuals
A Rincon-Charris, JJ Quevedo Casín
Proceedings of the ASME 2013 International Mechanical Engineering Congress …, 2013
Exploiting artificial intelligence for analysis and data selection on-board the Puerto Rico CubeSat
JES Bergman, F Bruhn, P Funk, B Isham, AA Rincón-Charris, ...
European Planetary Science Congress, Nantes, France 27, 2015
Radio diagnostics and analysis on the Puerto Rico CubeSat
JES Bergman, F Bruhn, B Isham, A Rincón-Charris
European Planetary Science Congress 9, EPSC2014-799, 2014
Magnetic Field Measurement Suite for CubeSat Applications
B Strabel, I Narrett, L Ojeda, L Regoli, A Rincón-Charris, MB Moldwin
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2020, ED004-0044, 2020
Radio Observations of the Ionosphere From an Imaging Array and a CubeSat
B Isham, B Gustavsson, TW Bullett, JES Bergman, A Rincón-Charris, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2017, SM23C-2622, 2017
The Aguadilla Radio Array and Puerto Rico CubeSat
B Isham, T Bullett, B Gustavsson, V Belyey, J Bergman, A Rincon-Charris, ...
Joint Observations with the Puerto Rico CubeSat, the Aguadilla Radio Array, and Arecibo Observatory
B Isham, J Bergman, A Rincon-Charris, F Bruhn, P Funk, B Gustavsson, ...
Exploiting artificial intelligence for in-situ analysis of high-resolution radio emission measurements on a CubeSat
B Isham, J Bergman, L Krause, A Rincon-Charris, F Bruhn, P Funk, ...
41st COSPAR Scientific Assembly 41, C0. 2-41-16, 2016
Detección y diagnóstico de fallos múltiples en sistemas dinámicos usando análisis de componentes principales no lineal y residuos estructurados
AA Rincón Charris
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2015
Implementation of a multi-disciplinary systems engineering capstone design course at three Puerto Rican universities
M Miller, JK Gershenson, AA Rincon-Charris, CA Alvarado, JA Rojas
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 25.725. 1-25.725. 10, 2012
the Aguadilla Radio Array, and Arecibo Observatory
B Isham, J Bergman, A Rincon-Charris, F Bruhn, P Funk, B Gustavsson, ...
Puerto Rico’s First CubeSat: Multidisciplinary Research Project to Attract STEM Students into the Area of Aerospace Systems
R Darbali-Zamora, DA Merced-Cirino, JR Rivera-Alamo, EI Ortiz-Rivera, ...
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