Małgorzata (Gosia) Gocłowska
Małgorzata (Gosia) Gocłowska
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Can counter-stereotypes boost flexible thinking?
MA Gocłowska, RJ Crisp, K Labuschagne
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 16 (2), 217-231, 2013
Novelty seeking is linked to openness and extraversion, and can lead to greater creative performance
MA Gocłowska, SM Ritter, AJ Elliot, M Baas
Journal of Personality 87 (252-266), 2019
How dual-identity processes foster creativity
MA Gocłowska, RJ Crisp
Review of General Psychology 18 (3), 216-236, 2014
On counter-stereotypes and creative cognition: When interventions for reducing prejudice can boost divergent thinking
MA Gocłowska, RJ Crisp
Thinking skills and creativity 8, 72-79, 2013
Whether social schema violations help or hurt creativity depends on need for structure
MA Gocłowska, M Baas, RJ Crisp, CKW De Dreu
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 40 (8), 959-971, 2014
How multiple social identities are related to creativity
NK Steffens, MA Gocłowska, T Cruwys, AD Galinsky
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 42 (2), 188-203, 2016
The Diversifying Experience Model: Taking a broader conceptual view of the multiculturalism-creativity link
MA Gocłowska, RI Damian, S Mor
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 49 (2), 303-322, 2018
Leadership diversity: Effects of counterstereotypical thinking on the support for women leaders under uncertainty
G Randsley De Moura, C Leicht, A Leite, RJ Crisp, MA Gocłowska
Journal of Social Issues 74 (1), 165-183, 2018
On the relationship between cultural diversity and creativity in education: The moderating role of communal versus divisional mindset
L Vezzali, MA Gocłowska, RJ Crisp, S Stathi
Thinking Skills and Creativity 21, 152-157, 2016
Counter-stereotypes and feminism promote leadership aspirations in highly identified women
C Leicht, MA Gocłowska, JA Van Breen, S de Lemus, ...
Frontiers in psychology 8, 883, 2017
Why schema-violations are sometimes preferable to schema-consistencies: The role of interest and openness to experience
MA Gocłowska, M Baas, AJ Elliot, CKW De Dreu
Journal of Research in Personality 66, 54-69, 2017
Cultural orientation in China: Differences across five generations of employees
J Ma, Z Hu, MA Gocłowska
Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal 44 (4), 529-540, 2016
Impression management and achievement motivation: investigating substantive links
AJ Elliot, N Aldhobaiban, K Murayama, A Kobeisy, MA Gocłowska, ...
International Journal of Psychology 53 (1), 16-22, 2018
Person-task fit: Emotional consequences of performing divergent versus convergent thinking tasks depend on need for cognitive closure
MK Wronska, A Bujacz, MA Gocłowska, EF Rietzschel, BA Nijstad
Personality and individual differences 142, 172-178, 2019
Linking social interdependence preferences to achievement goal adoption
AJ Elliot, N Aldhobaiban, A Kobeisy, K Murayama, MA Gocłowska, ...
Learning and Individual Differences 50, 291-295, 2016
Temperament and self‐based correlates of cooperative, competitive and individualistic learning preferences
MA Gocłowska, N Aldhobaiban, AJ Elliot, K Murayama, A Kobeisy, ...
International Journal of Psychology 52 (3), 180-188, 2017
Awe arises in reaction to exceeded rather than disconfirmed expectancies.
MA Gocłowska, AJ Elliot, M van Elk, D Bulska, CA Thorstenson, M Baas
Emotion 21 (1), 15-29., 2023
Different faces of (un)controllability: Control restoration modulates the efficiency of task switching.
M Bukowski, S De Lemus, J Lupiáñez, A Marzecová, MA Gocłowska
Motivation and Emotion 43 (1), 12-34, 2019
Shared and Unique Features of Epistemic Emotions: Awe, Surprise, Curiosity, Interest, Confusion, and Boredom
M Noordewier, M Gocłowska
Emotion, 2023
Visual attention bias for self-made artworks.
LM Straffon, G Agnew, C Desch-Bailey, E van Berlo, G Goclowska, M Kret
Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts 18 (4), 591, 2024
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