Paul Tesluk
Paul Tesluk
Dean and professor
Потвърден имейл адрес: buffalo.edu
Shared leadership in teams: An investigation of antecedent conditions and performance
JB Carson, PE Tesluk, JA Marrone
Academy of management Journal 50 (5), 1217-1234, 2007
The impact of team empowerment on virtual team performance: The moderating role of face-to-face interaction
BL Kirkman, B Rosen, PE Tesluk, CB Gibson
Academy of management journal 47 (2), 175-192, 2004
A comparison of approaches to forming composite measures in structural equation models
RS Landis, DJ Beal, PE Tesluk
Organizational research methods 3 (2), 186-207, 2000
Personality as a moderator in the relationship between fairness and retaliation
DP Skarlicki, R Folger, P Tesluk
Academy of management journal 42 (1), 100-108, 1999
Five challenges to virtual team success: Lessons from Sabre, Inc.
BL Kirkman, B Rosen, CB Gibson, PE Tesluk, SO McPherson
Academy of Management Perspectives 16 (3), 67-79, 2002
A multilevel investigation of the motivational mechanisms underlying knowledge sharing and performance
NR Quigley, PE Tesluk, EA Locke, KM Bartol
Organization science 18 (1), 71-88, 2007
Toward an integrated model of work experience
PE Tesluk, RR Jacobs
Personnel psychology 51 (2), 321-355, 1998
A longitudinal study of team conflict, conflict management, cohesion, and team effectiveness
AG Tekleab, NR Quigley, PE Tesluk
Group & organization management 34 (2), 170-205, 2009
Influences of organizational culture and climate on individual creativity
PE Tesluk, JL Farr, SR Klein
The journal of creative behavior 31 (1), 27-41, 1997
An examination of crossover and spillover effects of spousal and expatriate cross-cultural adjustment on expatriate outcomes.
R Takeuchi, S Yun, PE Tesluk
Journal of applied psychology 87 (4), 655, 2002
An integrative view of international experience
R Takeuchi, PE Tesluk, S Yun, DP Lepak
Academy of management Journal 48 (1), 85-100, 2005
Innovation at and across multiple levels of analysis
AK Gupta, PE Tesluk, MS Taylor
Organization science 18 (6), 885-897, 2007
A multilevel investigation of antecedents and consequences of team member boundary-spanning behavior
JA Marrone, PE Tesluk, JB Carson
Academy of Management Journal 50 (6), 1423-1439, 2007
Understanding managerial development: Integrating developmental assignments, learning orientation, and access to developmental opportunities in predicting managerial competencies
L Dragoni, PE Tesluk, JEA Russell, IS Oh
Academy of management journal 52 (4), 731-743, 2009
Top management attention to innovation: The role of search selection and intensity in new product introductions
Q Li, PG Maggitti, KG Smith, PE Tesluk, R Katila
Academy of Management Journal 56 (3), 893-916, 2013
Emotional intelligence, teamwork effectiveness, and job performance: the moderating role of job context.
CIC Farh, MG Seo, PE Tesluk
Journal of applied psychology 97 (4), 890, 2012
General safety performance: A test of a grounded theoretical model
MJ Burke, SA Sarpy, PE Tesluk, K Smith‐Crowe
Personnel psychology 55 (2), 429-457, 2002
Initiating and utilizing shared leadership in teams: The role of leader humility, team proactive personality, and team performance capability.
CYC Chiu, BP Owens, PE Tesluk
Journal of applied psychology 101 (12), 1705, 2016
Overcoming roadblocks to effectiveness: Incorporating management of performance barriers into models of work group effectiveness.
PE Tesluk, JE Mathieu
Journal of applied Psychology 84 (2), 200, 1999
Task and aggregation issues in the analysis and assessment of team performance
P Tesluk, JE Mathieu, SJ Zaccaro, M Marks
Team performance assessment and measurement, 209-236, 1997
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