Mary Beth Watson-Manheim
Mary Beth Watson-Manheim
Потвърден имейл адрес: uic.edu
How virtual are we? Measuring virtuality and understanding its impact in a global organization
KM Chudoba, E Wynn, M Lu, MB Watson‐Manheim
Information systems journal 15 (4), 279-306, 2005
Discontinuities and continuities: A new way to understand virtual work
MB Watson-Manheim, KM Chudoba, K Crowston
Information Technology & People 15 (3), 191-209, 2002
Communication media repertoires: Dealing with the multiplicity of media choices
MB Watson-Manheim, F Bélanger
MIS quarterly 31 (2), 267-293, 2007
Digital work and organisational transformation: Emergent Digital/Human work configurations in modern organisations
J Baptista, MK Stein, S Klein, MB Watson-Manheim, J Lee
The Journal of Strategic Information Systems 29 (2), 101618, 2020
Communication and coordination in the virtual office
MBW Fritz, S Narasimhan, HS Rhee
Journal of Management Information Systems 14 (4), 7-28, 1998
Perceived discontinuities and constructed continuities in virtual work
MB Watson‐Manheim, KM Chudoba, K Crowston
Information Systems Journal 22 (1), 29-52, 2012
A multi-level socio-technical systems telecommuting framework
F Bélanger, MB Watson-Manheim, BR Swan
Behaviour & Information Technology 32 (12), 1257-1279, 2013
Virtual teams and multiple media: Structuring media use to attain strategic goals
F Bélanger, MB Watson-Manheim
Group Decision and Negotiation 15 (4), 299-321, 2006
Virtuality and team performance: Understanding the impact of variety of practices
M Lu, MB Watson-Manheim, KM Chudoba, E Wynn
Journal of Global Information Technology Management 9 (1), 4-23, 2006
Co-production of prolonged, complex, and negative services: An examination of medication adherence in chronically ill individuals
J Spanjol, AS Cui, C Nakata, LK Sharp, SY Crawford, Y Xiao, ...
Journal of Service Research 18 (3), 284-302, 2015
Toward a telework taxonomy and test for suitability: A synthesis of the literature
MEW Fritz, K Higa, S Narasimhan
Group Decision and Negotiation 4 (4), 311-334, 1995
Support for communication-based work processes in virtual work
MB Watson-Manheim, F Bélanger
E-Service 1 (3), 61-82, 2002
Exploring communication-based work processes in virtual work environments
MB Watson-Manheim, F Belanger
System Sciences, 2002. HICSS. Proceedings of the 35th Annual Hawaii …, 2002
Aligning IS Research & Practice: A Research Agenda for Virtual Work
F Belanger, MB Watson-Manheim, DH Jordan
Information Resources Management Journal (IRMJ) 15 (3), 48-70, 2002
Perceived discontinuities and continuities in transdisciplinary scientific working groups
K Crowston, A Specht, C Hoover, KM Chudoba, MB Watson-Manheim
Science of The Total Environment 534, 159-172, 2015
Distributed analysis: The last frontier?
J Audy, R Evaristo, MB Watson-Manheim
37th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2004 …, 2004
Exploring the relationship between communication risk perception and communication portfolio
CS Lee, MB Watson-Manheim, A Ramaprasad
Professional Communication, IEEE Transactions on 50 (2), 130-146, 2007
Telework: exploring the borderless office
MEW Fritz, K Higa, S Narasimhan
System Sciences, 1994. Vol. IV: Information Systems: Collaboration …, 1994
A new perspective on virtual: analyzing discontinuities in the work environment
MB Watson-Manheim, K Crowston, KM Chudoba
System Sciences, 2002. HICSS. Proceedings of the 35th Annual Hawaii …, 2002
Linking macro-level goals to micro-level routines: EHR-enabled transformation of primary care services
M Findikoglu, MB Watson-Manheim
Journal of Information Technology 31 (4), 382-400, 2016
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