Sarah Gaither, Associate Professor
Sarah Gaither, Associate Professor
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Black racial stereotypes and victim blaming: Implications for media coverage and criminal proceedings in cases of police violence against racial and ethnic minorities
KN Dukes, SE Gaither
Journal of Social Issues 73 (4), 789-807, 2017
“Mixed” results: Multiracial research and identity explorations
SE Gaither
Current directions in psychological science 24 (2), 114-119, 2015
Racial/ethnic socialization for White youth: What we know and future directions
AB Loyd, SE Gaither
Journal of applied developmental psychology 59, 54-64, 2018
Monoracial and biracial children: Effects of racial identity saliency on social learning and social preferences
SE Gaither, EE Chen, KH Corriveau, PL Harris, N Ambady, SR Sommers
Child development 85 (6), 2299-2316, 2014
Identity denied: Comparing American or White identity denial and psychological health outcomes among bicultural and biracial people
AF Albuja, DT Sanchez, SE Gaither
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 45 (3), 416-430, 2019
A review of multiracial malleability: Identity, categorization, and shifting racial attitudes
K Pauker, C Meyers, DT Sanchez, SE Gaither, DM Young
Social and Personality Psychology Compass 12 (6), e12392, 2018
The multiplicity of belonging: Pushing identity research beyond binary thinking
SE Gaither
Emerging perspectives on self and identity, 77-88, 2020
Biracial and monoracial infant own‐race face perception: An eye tracking study
SE Gaither, K Pauker, SP Johnson
Developmental science 15 (6), 775-782, 2012
When the half affects the whole: Priming identity for biracial individuals in social interactions
SE Gaither, SR Sommers, N Ambady
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 49 (3), 368-371, 2013
Caught in the middle: Defensive responses to IAT feedback among whites, blacks, and biracial black/whites
JL Howell, SE Gaither, KA Ratliff
Social Psychological and Personality Science 6 (4), 373-381, 2015
Psychophysiological stress responses to bicultural and biracial identity denial
AF Albuja, SE Gaither, DT Sanchez, B Straka, R Cipollina
Journal of Social Issues 75 (4), 1165-1191, 2019
Psychological science in the wake of COVID-19: Social, methodological, and metascientific considerations
DL Rosenfeld, E Balcetis, B Bastian, ET Berkman, JK Bosson, ...
Perspectives on Psychological Science 17 (2), 311-333, 2022
Motivation to control prejudice predicts categorization of multiracials
JM Chen, WG Moons, SE Gaither, DL Hamilton, JW Sherman
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 40 (5), 590-603, 2014
Social belonging motivates categorization of racially ambiguous faces
SE Gaither, K Pauker, ML Slepian, SR Sommers
Social cognition 34 (2), 97-118, 2016
Thinking outside the box: Multiple identity mind-sets affect creative problem solving
SE Gaither, JD Remedios, DT Sanchez, SR Sommers
Social Psychological and Personality Science 6 (5), 596-603, 2015
Essentialist thinking predicts decrements in children’s memory for racially ambiguous faces.
SE Gaither, JR Schultz, K Pauker, SR Sommers, KB Maddox, N Ambady
Developmental psychology 50 (2), 482, 2014
Black+ White= Not White: A minority bias in categorizations of Black-White multiracials
JM Chen, K Pauker, SE Gaither, DL Hamilton, JW Sherman
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 78, 43-54, 2018
Fluid racial presentation: Perceptions of contextual “passing” among biracial people
AF Albuja, DT Sanchez, SE Gaither
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 77, 132-142, 2018
Not quite monoracial: Biracial stereotypes explored
AL Skinner, SP Perry, S Gaither
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 46 (3), 377-392, 2020
Living with an other-race roommate shapes Whites' behavior in subsequent diverse settings
SE Gaither, SR Sommers
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 49 (2), 272-276, 2013
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