Sistem kendali suhu dan pemantauan kelembaban udara ruangan berbasis arduino uno dengan menggunakan sensor dht22 dan passive infrared (pir) HI Islam, N Nabilah, SS Atsaurry, DH Saputra, GM Pradipta, A Kurniawan, ...
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Fisika (E-Journal) 5, SNF2016-CIP-119-124, 2016
85 2016 Electrical properties of photodiode Ba 0.25 Sr 0.75 TiO 3 (BST) thin film doped with ferric oxide on p-type Si (100) substrate using chemical solution deposition method I Irzaman, H Syafutra, H Darmasetiawan, H Hardhienata, R Erviansyah, ...
Atom Indonesia 37 (3), 133-138, 2011
32 * 2011 The Effect of Ba/Sr Ratio on Electrical and Optical Properties of Bax Sr(1-x) TiO3 (x = 0.25; 0.35; 0.45; 0.55) Thin Film Semiconductor Irzaman, H Syafutra, E Rancasa, AW Nuayi, TGN Rahman, NA Nuzulia, ...
Ferroelectrics 445 (1), 4-17, 2013
29 2013 Development of ferroelectric solar cells of barium strontium titanate (BaxSr1-xTiO3) for subtituting conventional battery in LAPAN-IPB Satellite (LISAT) IR Putra, H Syafutra, H Alatas
Procedia Environmental Sciences 33, 607-614, 2016
27 2016 Extreme orientational uniformity in large-area floating films of semiconducting polymers for their application in flexible electronics M Pandey, H Syafutra, N Kumari, SS Pandey, R Abe, H Benten, ...
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 13 (32), 38534-38543, 2021
26 2021 Characterizations of electrical and optical properties on ferroelectric photodiode of barium strontium titanate (Ba0. 5Sr0. 5TiO3) films based on the annealing time differences … J Iskandar, H Syafutra, J Juansah
Procedia Environmental Sciences 24, 324-328, 2015
25 2015 Uji konduktivitas listrik dan dielektrik film tipis lithium tantalate (LiTaO3) yang didadah niobium pentaoksida (Nb2O5) menggunakan metode chemical solution deposition MA Irzaman, H Syafutra, A Ismangil
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Fisika, Bandung, 175-183, 2010
24 2010 Pembuatan prototipe sistem keamanan laboratorium berbasis arduino mega GM Pradipta, N Nabilah, HI Islam, DH Saputra, S Said, A Kurniawan, ...
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Fisika (e-journal) 5, SNF2016-CIP-31-36, 2016
23 2016 Formation of solar cells based on (BST) ferroelectric thick film Irzaman, H Syafutra, A Arif, H Alatas, MN Hilaluddin, A Kurniawan, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 1586 (1), 24-34, 2014
23 2014 Surface Degradation Mechanism on CH3 NH3 PbBr3 Hybrid Perovskite Single Crystal by a Grazing E-Beam Irradiation H Syafutra, JH Yun, Y Yoshie, M Lyu, SN Takeda, M Nakamura, L Wang, ...
Nanomaterials 10 (7), 1253, 2020
20 2020 Pembuatan Prototipe Lampu Otomatis Untuk Penghematan Energi Berbasis Arduino Uno Di Departemen Fisika Fmipa Ipb N Nabilah, HI Islam, DH Saputra, GM Pradipta, S Said, A Kurniawan, ...
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Fisika (E-Journal) 5, SNF2016-CIP-73-78, 2016
14 2016 Modified Spin Coating Method for Coating and Fabricating Ferroelectric Thin film as Sensors and Solar Cells I Irzaman, R Siskandar, AH Aminullah
Artifacts on Surface Phenomena and Technological Facets. P, 33-54, 2017
13 2017 Perfectness of the main-chain alignment in the conjugated polymer films prepared by the floating film transfer method H Syafutra, J Toyoda, M Pandey, N Kumari, H Benten, M Nakamura
Applied Physics Letters 120 (20), 2022
12 2022 Assisted alignment of conjugated polymers in floating film transfer method using polymer blend H Syafutra, M Pandey, N Kumari, SS Pandey, H Benten, M Nakamura
Thin Solid Films 734, 138814, 2021
10 2021 Solvent-Assisted Friction Transfer Method for Fabricating Large-Area Thin Films of Semiconducting Polymers with Edge-On Oriented Extended Backbones N Kumari, M Pandey, H Syafutra, S Nagamatsu, M Nakamura, SS Pandey
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12 (49), 55033-55043, 2020
9 2020 Proposed application of fast fourier transform in near infra red based non invasive blood glucose monitoring system RP Jenie, J Iskandar, A Kurniawan, E Rustami, H Syafutra, NM Nurdin, ...
IOP conference series: earth and environmental science 58 (1), 012011, 2017
9 2017 The effects of physical exercise on the insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus subjects using the modified minimal model A Kartono, FD Irawati, AA Setiawan, H Syafutra, T Sumaryada
Int J Pharm Pharm Sci 9 (2), 179-86, 2017
9 2017 Irzaman, MN Indro, and Siswadi. Synthesis and Characterizations Photodiode Thin Film Barium Strontium Titanate (BST) Doped Niobium and Iron as Light Sensor M Dahrul, H Syafutra, A Arif
The 4th Asian Physics Symposium, American Institute of Physics (AIP …, 2010
9 2010 Simulation of heat transfer in cylinder husks furnace with finite difference method I Noor, H Syafutra, F Ahmad
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 31 (1), 012013, 2016
8 2016 Development of Luxmeter Based on Ferroelectric Material H Syafutra, Irzaman, MN Indro, IDM Subrata
AIP Conference Proceedings 1325 (1), 75-78, 2010
8 2010