Jordi Cuadros (ORCID:0000-0001-6513-9140)
Jordi Cuadros (ORCID:0000-0001-6513-9140)
Altres nomsJordi Cuadros, Jordi Cuadros Margarit
IQS (ROR 04y3yya25). Univ. Ramon Llull (ROR 04p9k2z50). Barcelona. SPAIN
Correu electrònic verificat a
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Citada per
Empirical analysis of the use of the VISIR remote lab in teaching analog electronics
J Garcia-Zubia, J Cuadros, S Romero, U Hernandez-Jayo, P Orduna, ...
IEEE transactions on education 60 (2), 149-156, 2016
" One firm spot": The role of homework as lever in acquiring conceptual and performance competence in college chemistry
G Leinhardt, J Cuadros, D Yaron
Journal of Chemical Education 84 (6), 1047, 2007
Design and evaluation of a user experience questionnaire for remote labs
J Cuadros, V Serrano, J Garcia-Zubia, U Hernandez-Jayo
IEEE Access 9, 50222-50230, 2021
Understanding optical trapping phenomena: a simulation for undergraduates
J Mas, A Farré, J Cuadros, I Juvells, A Carnicer
IEEE Transactions on Education 54 (1), 133-140, 2010
Teaching cheminformatics through a collaborative intercollegiate online chemistry course (OLCC)
S Kim, EC Bucholtz, K Briney, AP Cornell, J Cuadros, KD Fulfer, T Gupta, ...
Journal of chemical education 98 (2), 416-425, 2020
Using VISIR Remote Lab in the Classroom: Case of Study of the University of Deusto 20092019
J Garcia-Zubia, J Cuadros, U Hernandez-Jayo, S Romero, V Serrano, ...
Cross Reality and Data Science in Engineering: Proceedings of the 17th …, 2021
Describing the public perception of chemistry on twitter
M Guerris, J Cuadros, L González-Sabaté, V Serrano
Chemistry Education Research and Practice 21 (3), 989-999, 2020
Dashboard for the VISIR remote lab
J García-Zubía, J Cuadros, V Serrano, U Hernández-Jayo, ...
2019 5th Experiment International Conference (exp. at'19), 42-46, 2019
Virtual laboratories and scenes to support chemistry instruction: lessons learned
D Yaron, J Cuadros, M Karabinos, G Leinhardt, KL Evans
About invention and impact: Building excellence in undergraduate science …, 2005
Helping lecturers address and formulate teaching challenges: An exploratory study
I Florensa, M Bosch, J Cuadros, J Gascón
INDRUM 2018, 2018
L'activisme per Twitter davant la mobilització nacionalista: el cas de la Diada catalana de 2016
T Rodon, F Martori, J Cuadros
IDP: revista d'Internet, dret i política, 15-29, 2018
Analysis of an event study using the Fama–French five-factor model: teaching approaches including spreadsheets and the R programming language
M Martinez-Blasco, V Serrano, F Prior, J Cuadros
Financial Innovation 9 (1), 76, 2023
Computer-Assisted Assessment in Open-Ended Activities through the Analysis of Traces: A Proof of Concept in Statistics with R Commander
J Cuadros, FP Martori Adrian, V Serrano Molinero, MCL Calvo, ...
EURASIA Journal of Mathematics Science and Technology Education. Vol. 15, n …, 2019
Analyzing a virtual-lab based contextualized activity from action logs
J Cuadros, C Artigas, F Guitart, F Martori
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 182, 441-447, 2015
Educational Data Mining in an Open-Ended Remote Laboratory on Electric Circuits. Goals and Preliminary Results.
J Cuadros, L González-Sabaté, S Romero, ML Guenaga, J Garcia-Zubia, ...
EDM, 578-579, 2015
Experiencia de uso y evaluación de VISIR en electrónica analógica
J García-Zubía, SR Yesa, MG Gómez, UH Jayo, IA Martínez, JC Margarit, ...
Libro de actas del XI Congreso de tecnologías, aprendizaje y enseñanza de la …, 2014
Classification of experimental errors done in VISIR with simple alternated current circuits
LN Mendonça, M Maçaneiro, GR Alves, DS Pires, J García-Zubía, ...
2020 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 1568-1572, 2020
Ética de la investigación científica
JIB Bilbao, JC Margarit, JM Solà-Morales, JS Lucia, AF Giménez
Desclée de Brouwer, 2017
Answering questions concisely: analysis of a Twitter activity in a management course
A Olive, X Samper, J Cuadros, F Martori, V Serrano
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 182, 179-186, 2015
Introducción al cálculo numérico
X Tomàs, J Cuadros, L González
IQS, 2006
En aquests moments el sistema no pot dur a terme l'operació. Torneu-ho a provar més tard.
Articles 1–20