Electromagnetic counterparts of compact object mergers powered by the radioactive decay of r -process nuclei BD Metzger, G Martínez-Pinedo, S Darbha, E Quataert, A Arcones, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 406 (4), 2650-2662, 2010
1343 2010 On the astrophysical robustness of the neutron star merger r-process O Korobkin, S Rosswog, A Arcones, C Winteler
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 426 (3), 1940-1949, 2012
678 2012 Magnetorotationally driven supernovae as the origin of early galaxy r-process elements? C Winteler, R Käppeli, A Perego, A Arcones, N Vasset, N Nishimura, ...
The astrophysical journal letters 750 (1), L22, 2012
556 2012 Neutrino-driven winds from neutron star merger remnants A Perego, S Rosswog, RM Cabezón, O Korobkin, R Käppeli, A Arcones, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 443 (4), 3134-3156, 2014
528 2014 Progenitor-explosion connection and remnant birth masses for neutrino-driven supernovae of iron-core progenitors M Ugliano, HT Janka, A Marek, A Arcones
The Astrophysical Journal 757 (1), 69, 2012
527 2012 Identification of strontium in the merger of two neutron stars D Watson, CJ Hansen, J Selsing, A Koch, DB Malesani, AC Andersen, ...
Nature 574 (7779), 497-500, 2019
486 2019 What are the astrophysical sites for the r-process and the production of heavy elements? FK Thielemann, A Arcones, R Käppeli, M Liebendörfer, T Rauscher, ...
Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics 66 (2), 346-353, 2011
357 2011 Nucleosynthesis-relevant conditions in neutrino-driven supernova outflows-I. Spherically symmetric hydrodynamic simulations A Arcones, HT Janka, L Scheck
Astronomy & Astrophysics 467 (3), 1227-1248, 2007
318 2007 The long-term evolution of neutron star merger remnants–I. The impact of r-process nucleosynthesis S Rosswog, O Korobkin, A Arcones, FK Thielemann, T Piran
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 439 (1), 744-756, 2014
287 2014 Neutrino-driven winds in the aftermath of a neutron star merger: nucleosynthesis and electromagnetic transients D Martin, A Perego, A Arcones, FK Thielemann, O Korobkin, S Rosswog
The Astrophysical Journal 813 (1), 2, 2015
274 2015 Neutrino-driven wind simulations and nucleosynthesis of heavy elements A Arcones, FK Thielemann
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 40 (1), 013201, 2012
251 2012 Production of light-element primary process nuclei in neutrino-driven winds A Arcones, F Montes
The Astrophysical Journal 731 (1), 5, 2011
244 2011 Neutron star mergers might not be the only source of r-process elements in the Milky Way B Côté, M Eichler, A Arcones, CJ Hansen, P Simonetti, A Frebel, CL Fryer, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 875 (2), 106, 2019
225 2019 The role of fission in neutron star mergers and its impact on the r-process peaks M Eichler, A Arcones, A Kelic, O Korobkin, K Langanke, T Marketin, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 808 (1), 30, 2015
219 2015 Dynamical -process studies within the neutrino-driven wind scenario and its sensitivity to the nuclear physics input A Arcones, G Martínez-Pinedo
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 83 (4), 045809, 2011
205 2011 Europium production: neutron star mergers versus core-collapse supernovae F Matteucci, D Romano, A Arcones, O Korobkin, S Rosswog
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 438 (3), 2177-2185, 2014
187 2014 -process nucleosynthesis from matter ejected in binary neutron star mergersL Bovard, D Martin, F Guercilena, A Arcones, L Rezzolla, O Korobkin
Physical Review D 96 (12), 124005, 2017
177 2017 r-process nucleosynthesis: connecting rare-isotope beam facilities with the cosmos CJ Horowitz, A Arcones, B Cote, I Dillmann, W Nazarewicz, IU Roederer, ...
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 46 (8), 083001, 2019
157 2019 Influence of light nuclei on neutrino-driven supernova outflows A Arcones, G Martínez-Pinedo, E O'Connor, A Schwenk, HT Janka, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 78 (1), 015806, 2008
136 2008 Magnetorotational explosion of a massive star supported by neutrino heating in general relativistic three-dimensional simulations T Kuroda, A Arcones, T Takiwaki, K Kotake
The Astrophysical Journal 896 (2), 102, 2020
119 2020