Jae Seop Oh
Jae Seop Oh
Dept. of Physical Therapy, INJE University
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Influence of forward head posture on scapular upward rotators during isometric shoulder flexion
JH Weon, JS Oh, HS Cynn, YW Kim, OY Kwon, CH Yi
Journal of Bodywork and movement therapies 14 (4), 367-374, 2010
Effects of performing an abdominal drawing-in maneuver during prone hip extension exercises on hip and back extensor muscle activity and amount of anterior pelvic tilt
JS Oh, HS Cynn, JH Won, OY Kwon, CH Yi
Journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy 37 (6), 320-324, 2007
Effects of lumbar stabilization using a pressure biofeedback unit on muscle activity and lateral pelvic tilt during hip abduction in sidelying
HS Cynn, JS Oh, OY Kwon, CH Yi
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 87 (11), 1454-1458, 2006
Relationships among the Y balance test, Berg Balance Scale, and lower limb strength in middle-aged and older females
DK Lee, MH Kang, TS Lee, JS Oh
Brazilian journal of physical therapy 19 (3), 227-234, 2015
Correlation of the Y-balance test with lower-limb strength of adult women
DK Lee, GM Kim, SM Ha, JS Oh
Journal of physical therapy science 26 (5), 641-643, 2014
Influence of the duration of smartphone usage on flexion angles of the cervical and lumbar spine and on reposition error in the cervical spine
Y Kim, M Kang, J Kim, J Jang, J Oh
Physical Therapy Korea 20 (1), 10-17, 2013
The effect of Graston technique on the pain and range of motion in patients with chronic low back pain
JH Lee, DK Lee, JS Oh
Journal of physical therapy science 28 (6), 1852-1855, 2016
Relationship between the kinematics of the trunk and lower extremity and performance on the Y-balance test
MH Kang, GM Kim, OY Kwon, JH Weon, JS Oh, DH An
PM&R 7 (11), 1152-1158, 2015
Association of ankle kinematics and performance on the y-balance test with inclinometer measurements on the weight-bearing-lunge test
MH Kang, DK Lee, KH Park, JS Oh
Journal of sport rehabilitation 24 (1), 62-67, 2015
Comparison of EMG activity on abdominal muscles during plank exercise with unilateral and bilateral additional isometric hip adduction
SY Kim, MH Kang, ER Kim, IG Jung, EY Seo, J Oh
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 30, 9-14, 2016
Prone hip extension muscle recruitment is associated with hamstring injury risk in amateur soccer
J Schuermans, D Van Tiggelen, E Witvrouw
International journal of sports medicine 38 (09), 696-706, 2017
Effects of the pelvic rotatory control method on abdominal muscle activity and the pelvic rotation during active straight leg raising
K Park, S Ha, S Kim, K Park, O Kwon, J Oh
Manual therapy 18 (3), 220-224, 2013
Effect of medial arch support on displacement of the myotendinous junction of the gastrocnemius during standing wall stretching
DY Jung, EK Koh, OY Kwon, CH Yi, JS Oh, JH Weon
Journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy 39 (12), 867-874, 2009
Effects of a bridging exercise with hip adduction on the EMG activities of the abdominal and hip extensor muscles in females
EM Jang, MH Kim, JS Oh
Journal of physical therapy science 25 (9), 1147-1149, 2013
Patients with low back pain demonstrate increased activity of the posterior oblique sling muscle during prone hip extension
JW Kim, MH Kang, JS Oh
PM&R 6 (5), 400-405, 2014
Comparison of abdominal muscle activity during a single-legged hold in the hook-lying position on the floor and on a round foam roll
SJ Kim, OY Kwon, CH Yi, HS Jeon, JS Oh, HS Cynn, JH Weon
Journal of Athletic Training 46 (4), 403-408, 2011
Effect of modified bridge exercise on trunk muscle activity in healthy adults: a cross sectional study
JO Yoon, MH Kang, JS Kim, JS Oh
Brazilian journal of physical therapy 22 (2), 161-167, 2018
Differences in performance on the functional movement screen between chronic low back pain patients and healthy control subjects
MJ Ko, KH Noh, MH Kang, JS Oh
Journal of physical therapy science 28 (7), 2094-2096, 2016
Acute effects of hamstring-stretching exercises on the kinematics of the lumbar spine and hip during stoop lifting
MH Kang, DH Jung, DH An, WG Yoo, JS Oh
Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation 26 (3), 329-336, 2013
Postural taping applied to the low back influences kinematics and EMG activity during patient transfer in physical therapists with chronic low back pain
MH Kang, SH Choi, JS Oh
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 23 (4), 787-793, 2013
En aquests moments el sistema no pot dur a terme l'operació. Torneu-ho a provar més tard.
Articles 1–20