Isti Hidayah
Isti Hidayah
Jurusan Matematika FMIPA Universitas Negeri Semarang
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Kemampuan literasi dalam menyelesaikan soal cerita siswa kelas IX A
N Utami, YL Sukestiyarno, I Hidayah
Prisma, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Matematika 3, 626-633, 2020
Kemampuan pemecahan masalah siswa pada pembelajaran problem based learning bernuansa etnomatematika ditinjau dari gaya kognitif
PRL Geni, Z Mastur, I Hidayah
Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education Research 6 (1), 11-17, 2017
Persepsi dan kesiapan guru dalam menghadapi asesmen kompetensi minimum
N Nurhikmah, I Hidayah, S Kadarwati
Cokroaminoto Journal of Primary Education 4 (1), 78-83, 2021
Pembelajaran matematika berbantuan alat peraga manipulatif pada jenjang pendidikan dasar dan gerakan literasi sekolah
I Hidayah
PRISMA, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Matematika 1, 1-11, 2018
Manipulatives and Question Series for Elementary School Mathematics Teaching on Solid Geometry.
I Hidayah, A Istiandaru
International Journal of Instruction 11 (3), 649-662, 2018
Penerapan media pembelajaran augmented reality (ar) dalam pembelajaran matematika
R Meilindawati, Z Zainuri, I Hidayah
JURNAL e-DuMath 9 (1), 55-62, 2023
Kemampuan pemecahan masalah ditinjau dari self-efficacy siswa dalam model pembelajaran missouri mathematics project
I Hidayah
Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education Research 5 (2), 178-183, 2016
Analisis kemampuan pemecahan masalah pada model problem based learning disertai remedial teaching
I Hidayah
EduMa: Mathematics education learning and teaching‏‏‎ 8 (1), 85-97, 2019
The analysis of diagnostic assessment result in PISA mathematical literacy based on students self-efficacy in RME learning
K Khaerunisak, K Kartono, I Hidayah, AY Fahmi
Infinity Journal 6 (1), 77-94, 2017
Scientific creativity: a literature review
S Saptono, I Hidayah
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1567 (2), 022044, 2020
The Analysis of Problem Solving Ability in Terms of Cognitive Style in Problem Based Learning Model with Diagnostic Assessment
S Arifin, K Kartono, I Hidayah
Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education Research 8 (2), 147-156, 2019
Mathematical representation ability of students’ grade X in mathematics learning on problem based learning
PR Utami, I Junaedi, I Hidayah
Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education 7 (3), 164-171, 2018
Model of Independent Working Group of Teacher and its Effectiveness towards the Elementary School Teacher's Ability in Conducting Mathematics Learning
I Hidayah
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 214, 43-50, 2015
Pemanfaatan Indigo Sebagai Pewarna Alami Ramah Lingkungan Bagi Pengrajin Batik Zie
NK Martuti, I Hidayah, M Margunani
Panrita Abdi-Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat 3 (2), 133-143, 2019
Organic material for clean production in the batik industry: A case study of natural batik Semarang, Indonesia
NKT Martuti, I Hidayah, M Margunani, RB Alafima
Recycling 5 (4), 28, 2020
Quality Management of Mathematics Manipulative Products to Support Students' Higher Order Thinking Skills.
I Hidayah, M Asikin
International Journal of Instruction 14 (1), 537-554, 2021
Manipulatives implementation for supporting learning of mathematics for prospective teachers
D Sulistyaningsih, VD Mawarsari, I Hidayah
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 824 (1), 012047, 2017
Teacher’s stimulus helps students achieve mathematics reasoning and problem solving competences
I Hidayah, E Pujiastuti, JE Chrisna
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 824 (1), 012042, 2017
Keefektifan pembelajaran TTW dan SGW berbantuan kartu soal terhadap kemampuan pemecahan masalah
ADN Afriyani, M Chotim, I Hidayah
Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education 3 (1), 2014
Child Friendly Schools and Their Relationship with the Merdeka Curriculum in Forming the Students’ Character through Scinece Learning
A Rusilowati, I Hidayah, R Nugrahani, Z Abidin, FD Hutagalung, ...
Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia 13 (1), 2024
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