Mukhamad Nurhadi
Mukhamad Nurhadi
Correu electrònic verificat a
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Photocatalytic remediation of organic waste over Keggin-based polyoxometalate materials: A review
SY Lai, KH Ng, CK Cheng, H Nur, M Nurhadi, M Arumugam
Chemosphere 263, 128244, 2021
Carbon-containing hydroxyapatite obtained from fish bone as low-cost mesoporous material for methylene blue adsorption
M Nurhadi, R Kusumawardani, W Wirhanuddin, R Gunawan, H Nur
Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis 14 (3), 660-671, 2019
The effectiveness of inquiry-based learning with multiple representation to improve critical thinking skill in learning electrochemistry
Herawati, A Hakim, M Nurhadi
AIP Conference Proceedings 2215 (2020), 7, 2020
Utilization of low rank coal as oxidation catalyst by controllable removal of its carbonaceous component
M Nurhadi, J Efendi, SL Lee, TMI Mahlia, S Chandren, CS Ho, H Nur
Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 46, 183-190, 2015
Analisis karakteristik terhadap latar belakang peserta didik bagi pembelajaran efektif
ANK Sari, M Nurhadi, EP Tyas
Prosiding Seminar Nasional PPG Universitas Mulawarman 3, 30-33, 2022
Pengaruh isu sosiosaintifik dalam model discovery learning terhadap keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa pada materi asam basa
P Kusumaningtyas, R Oktafiani, M Nurhadi, S Sulistyaningwarni
Orbital: Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia 4 (1), 64-74, 2020
Kinetic of adsorption process of sulfonated carbon-derived from Eichhornia crassipes in the adsorption of methylene blue dye from aqueous solution
M Nurhadi, II Widiyowati, W Wirhanuddin, S Chandren
Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis 14 (1), 17-27, 2019
Effective TiO2-Sulfonated Carbon-derived from Eichhornia crassipes in the removal of methylene blue and Congo red dyes from aqueous solution
II Widiyowati, M Nurhadi, M Hatami, LS Yuan
Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis 15 (2), 476-489, 2020
Efektivitas penggunaan model pembelajaran POGIL untuk menurunkan miskonsepsi siswa kelas XI MIPA 5 di SMA Negeri 4 Samarinda pada pokok bahasan hidrolisis garam
D Arpiana, M Nurhadi
Jurnal Zarah 8 (1), 38-43, 2020
Modification of Coal Char-loaded TiO2 by Sulfonation and Alkylsilylation to Enhance Catalytic Activity in Styrene Oxidation with Hydrogen Peroxide as Oxidant
M Nurhadi
Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis 12 (1), 55-61, 2017
Utilization of fish bone as adsorbent of Fe3+ ion by controllable removal of its carbonaceous component
M Nurhadi, R Kusumawardani, II Widiyowati, H Nur
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1022 (1), 012031, 2018
Guided Discovery Learning Berbasis Indigenous Knowledge untuk Melatih Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis Siswa
AO Arung, F Erika, M Nurhadi
SAP (Susunan Artikel Pendidikan) 6 (3), 2022
Pengaruh Penggunaan Media Rolling Ball dalam Model Pembelajaran Predict, Observe, Explain (POE) Terhadap Hasil Belajar Kimia Pada Materi Laju Reaksi
M Nurhadi, Y Hartati
Jurnal Zarah 8 (1), 44-49, 2020
Titania-loaded coal char as catalyst in oxidation of styrene with aqueous hydrogen peroxide
M Nurhadi, S Chandren, LS Yuan, CS Ho, TM Indra Mahlia, H Nur
International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering 15 (1), 20160088, 2017
Characterization and modification of natural zeolite and its cracking properties on petroleum fraction
M Nurhadi, W Trisunaryanti, MU Yahya, B Setiaji
Indonesian Journal of Chemistry 1 (1), 7-10, 2001
Analisis Kebutuhan Siswa Untuk Pengembangan E-Lkpd Berbasis Problem Based Learning Terintegrasi Kearifan Lokal Sebagai Pendukung Implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka
S Anisa, F Erika, M Nurhadi
Journal of Innovation and Technology in MBKM 1 (1), 20-25, 2024
Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah untuk Menurunkan Miskonsepsi Siswa tentang Konsep Reaksi Redoks
M Nurhadi, II Widiyowati
Jurnal Zarah 8 (1), 14-20, 2020
Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik Yangaplikatif-Integratif Berbasis Pendekatan Saintifik Development of Applicative-Integrative Student Worksheet Based on Scientific …
S Mutmainah, M Nurhadi
Jurnal Kimia Dan Pendidikan Kimia UNS 3 (1), 6-12, 2018
Suparman. 2011. Penyelidikan Terpadu Geologi dan Geokimia Daerah Panas Bumi Kepahiang, Kabupaten Kepahiang, Bengkulu
D Kusnadi, M Nurhadi
Prosiding Hasil Kegiatan Pusat Sumber Daya Geologi Tahun 2010, 2010
Catalytic performance of TiO2–carbon mesoporous-derived from fish bones in styrene oxidation with aqueous hydrogen peroxide as an oxidant
M Nurhadi, R Kusumawardani, T Wirawan, S Sumari, SY Lai, H Nur
Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis 16 (1), 88-96, 2021
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Articles 1–20