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Comparative estimation systems perform under severely limited workload capacity
PM Garrett, Z Howard, JW Houpt, D Landy, A Eidels
Journal of Mathematical Psychology 92, 102255, 2019
Requisits: Australian Research Council
Set size slope still does not distinguish parallel from serial search
DR Little, A Eidels, JW Houpt, Y Cheng-Ta
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40, 2017
Requisits: European Commission
The Mental Representation of Roman Letters: Revisiting Townsend's 1971 Letter-Identification Data
P Cassey, A Eidels
Mathematical Models of Perception and Cognition Volume II, 72-88, 2016
Requisits: Australian Research Council
Evidence From a Novel Forced-Reading Condition
A Eidels, K Ryan, P Williams, D Algom
Experimental Psychology 61 (5), 385-393, 2014
Requisits: Australian Research Council
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Workload capacity spaces: A unified methodology for response time measures of efficiency as workload is varied
JT Townsend, A Eidels
Psychonomic bulletin & review 18, 659-681, 2011
Requisits: US National Institutes of Health
Nice guys finish fast and bad guys finish last: Facilitatory vs. inhibitory interaction in parallel systems
A Eidels, JW Houpt, N Altieri, L Pei, JT Townsend
Journal of mathematical psychology 55 (2), 176-190, 2011
Requisits: US National Institutes of Health
Studying visual search using systems factorial methodology with target—distractor similarity as the factor
M Fifić, JT Townsend, A Eidels
Perception & psychophysics 70, 583-603, 2008
Requisits: US National Institutes of Health
Comparing perception of Stroop stimuli in focused versus divided attention paradigms: Evidence for dramatic processing differences
A Eidels, JT Townsend, D Algom
Cognition 114 (2), 129-150, 2010
Requisits: US National Institutes of Health
Understanding the influence of distractors on workload capacity
DR Little, A Eidels, M Fific, T Wang
Journal of Mathematical Psychology 68, 25-36, 2015
Requisits: Australian Research Council
Modeling cognitive load effects of conversation between a passenger and driver
G Tillman, D Strayer, A Eidels, A Heathcote
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 79 (6), 1795-1803, 2017
Requisits: Australian Research Council
Effects of aging and distractors on detection of redundant visual targets and capacity: do older adults integrate visual targets differently than younger adults?
BM Ben-David, A Eidels, C Donkin
PLoS One 9 (12), e113551, 2014
Requisits: Australian Research Council
Working memory’s workload capacity
A Heathcote, JR Coleman, A Eidels, JM Watson, J Houpt, DL Strayer
Memory & cognition 43, 973-989, 2015
Requisits: Australian Research Council
Where similarity beats redundancy: the importance of context, higher order similarity, and response assignment.
A Eidels, JT Townsend, JR Pomerantz
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 34 (6 …, 2008
Requisits: US National Institutes of Health
Evaluating perceptual integration: Uniting response-time-and accuracy-based methodologies
A Eidels, JT Townsend, HC Hughes, LA Perry
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 77, 659-680, 2015
Requisits: Australian Research Council
Can two dots form a Gestalt? Measuring emergent features with the capacity coefficient
RXD Hawkins, JW Houpt, A Eidels, JT Townsend
Vision research 126, 19-33, 2016
Requisits: US National Institutes of Health
Depth of processing in the Stroop task
A Eidels, K Ryan, P Williams, D Algom
Experimental psychology, 2014
Requisits: Australian Research Council
A broader application of the detection response task to cognitive tasks and online environments
RJ Innes, NJ Evans, ZL Howard, A Eidels, SD Brown
Human factors 63 (5), 896-909, 2021
Requisits: Australian Research Council
How do information processing systems deal with conflicting information? Differential predictions for serial, parallel, and coactive models
DR Little, A Eidels, M Fifić, TSL Wang
Computational Brain & Behavior 1, 1-21, 2018
Requisits: Australian Research Council
Breaking the rules in perceptual information integration
MA Bushmakin, A Eidels, A Heathcote
Cognitive psychology 95, 1-16, 2017
Requisits: US National Science Foundation, Australian Research Council
Bayesian analyses of cognitive architecture.
JW Houpt, A Heathcote, A Eidels
Psychological methods 22 (2), 288, 2017
Requisits: US Department of Defense, Australian Research Council
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