Doru Michael Stefanescu
Doru Michael Stefanescu
Emeritus Professor, Ohio State Univ. and Univ. of Alabama
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Science and engineering of casting solidification
DM Stefanescu
Springer, 2015
An analytical model for the interaction between an insoluble particle and an advancing solid/liquid interface
D Shangguan, S Ahuja, DM Stefanescu
Metallurgical Transactions A 23, 669-680, 1992
Behavior of ceramic particles at the solid-liquid metal interface in metal matrix composites
DM Stefanescu, BK Dhindaw, SA Kacar, A Moitra
Metallurgical Transactions A 19, 2847-2855, 1988
Virtual front tracking model for the quantitative modeling of dendritic growth in solidification of alloys
MF Zhu, DM Stefanescu
Acta materialia 55 (5), 1741-1755, 2007
A quantitative dendrite growth model and analysis of stability concepts
L Beltran-Sanchez, DM Stefanescu
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 35, 2471-2485, 2004
Heat transfer-solidification kinetics modeling of solidification of castings
DM Stefanescu, G Upadhya, D Bandyopadhyay
Metallurgical Transactions A 21, 997-1005, 1990
Growth of solutal dendrites: a cellular automaton model and its quantitative capabilities
L Beltran-Sanchez, DM Stefanescu
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 34, 367-382, 2003
Particle engulfment and pushing by solidifying interfaces: Part II. Microgravity experiments and theoretical analysis
DM Stefanescu, FR Juretzko, A Catalina, BK Dhindaw, S Sen, PA Curreri
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 29, 1697-1706, 1998
The influence of buoyant forces and volume fraction of particles on the particle pushing/entrapment transition during directional solidification of Al/SiC and Al/graphite …
DM Stefanescu, A Moitra, AS Kacar, BK Dhindaw
Metallurgical Transactions A 21, 231-239, 1990
Metals Handbook, Vol. 15--Casting
DM Stefanescu, JR Davis, JD Destefani
ASM International, 1988,, 937, 1988
Computer simulation of shrinkage related defects in metal castings–a review
DM Stefanescu
International Journal of Cast Metals Research 18 (3), 129-143, 2005
Solidification and modeling of cast iron—A short history of the defining moments
DM Stefanescu
Materials Science and Engineering: A 413, 322-333, 2005
Thermal analysis—theory and applications in metalcasting
DM Stefanescu
International journal of metalcasting 9, 7-22, 2015
An analytical model for solute redistribution during solidification of planar, columnar, or equiaxed morphology
L Nastac, DM Stefanescu
Metallurgical Transactions A 24, 2107-2118, 1993
Friction properties of Al-1.5 Pct Mg/SiC particulate metal-matrix composites
F Rana, DM Stefanescu
Metallurgical Transactions A 20, 1564-1566, 1989
Computer-aided cooling curve analysis: principles and applications in metal casting
KG Upadhya, DM Stefanescu, K Lieu, DP Yeager
93 rd AFS Casting Congress, 1989, 1989
Stochastic modelling of microstructure formation in solidification processes
L Nastac, DM Stefanescu
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 5 (4), 391, 1997
Methodologies for modeling of solidification microstructure and their capabilities
DM Stefanescu
Isij International 35 (6), 637-650, 1995
Computer-aided cooling curve analysis revisited
JO Barlow, DM Stefanescu
Transactions-American Foundrymens Society, 349-354, 1998
A dynamic model for the interaction between a solid particle and an advancing solid/liquid interface
AV Catalina, S Mukherjee, D Stefanescu
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 31, 2559-2568, 2000
En aquests moments el sistema no pot dur a terme l'operació. Torneu-ho a provar més tard.
Articles 1–20