Articles amb requisits d'accés públic - Azahara OlivaMés informació
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Neuronal ensemble dynamics in social memory
A Oliva
Current Opinion in Neurobiology 78, 102654, 2023
Requisits: US National Institutes of Health
Parallel pathways for mnemonic processing
A Oliva
Trends in Neurosciences 44 (2), 79-81, 2021
Requisits: US National Institutes of Health
Disponibles en algun lloc: 16
Direct effects of transcranial electric stimulation on brain circuits in rats and humans
M Vöröslakos, Y Takeuchi, K Brinyiczki, T Zombori, A Oliva, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 483, 2018
Requisits: US National Institutes of Health, Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, European …
Long-duration hippocampal sharp wave ripples improve memory
A Fernández-Ruiz, A Oliva, E Fermino de Oliveira, F Rocha-Almeida, ...
Science 364 (6445), 1082-1086, 2019
Requisits: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health, Wellcome Trust
Entorhinal-CA3 dual-input control of spike timing in the hippocampus by theta-gamma coupling
A Fernández-Ruiz, A Oliva, GA Nagy, AP Maurer, A Berényi, G Buzsáki
Neuron 93 (5), 1213-1226. e5, 2017
Requisits: US National Institutes of Health, Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, Wellcome Trust …
A hippocampal circuit linking dorsal CA2 to ventral CA1 critical for social memory dynamics
T Meira, F Leroy, EW Buss, A Oliva, J Park, SA Siegelbaum
Nature communications 9 (1), 4163, 2018
Requisits: US National Institutes of Health, European Molecular Biology Laboratory …
Role of hippocampal CA2 region in triggering sharp-wave ripples
A Oliva, A Fernández-Ruiz, G Buzsáki, A Berényi
Neuron 91 (6), 1342-1355, 2016
Requisits: US National Institutes of Health, Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, European …
Hippocampal CA2 sharp-wave ripples reactivate and promote social memory
A Oliva, A Fernández-Ruiz, F Leroy, SA Siegelbaum
Nature 587 (7833), 264-269, 2020
Requisits: US National Institutes of Health, Wellcome Trust
Gamma rhythm communication between entorhinal cortex and dentate gyrus neuronal assemblies
A Fernández-Ruiz, A Oliva, M Soula, F Rocha-Almeida, GA Nagy, ...
Science 372 (6537), eabf3119, 2021
Requisits: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health
Spatial coding and physiological properties of hippocampal neurons in the Cornu Ammonis subregions
A Oliva, A Fernández‐Ruiz, G Buzsáki, A Berényi
Hippocampus 26 (12), 1593-1607, 2016
Requisits: US National Institutes of Health, Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, European …
Origin of gamma frequency power during hippocampal sharp-wave ripples
A Oliva, A Fernández-Ruiz, EF de Oliveira, G Buzsáki
Cell Reports 25 (7), 1693-1700. e4, 2018
Requisits: US National Institutes of Health, Wellcome Trust
Hippocampo-cortical circuits for selective memory encoding, routing, and replay
RE Harvey, HL Robinson, C Liu, A Oliva, A Fernandez-Ruiz
Neuron 111 (13), 2076-2090. e9, 2023
Requisits: US National Institutes of Health
Proximodistal organization of the CA2 hippocampal area
I Fernandez-Lamo, D Gomez-Dominguez, A Sanchez-Aguilera, A Oliva, ...
Cell reports 26 (7), 1734-1746. e6, 2019
Requisits: Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, European Commission, Government of Spain
Associative and predictive hippocampal codes support memory-guided behaviors
C Liu, R Todorova, W Tang, A Oliva, A Fernandez-Ruiz
Science 382 (6668), eadi8237, 2023
Requisits: US National Institutes of Health
CA2 orchestrates hippocampal network dynamics
A Oliva, A Fernandez‐Ruiz, LA Karaba
Hippocampus 33 (3), 241-251, 2023
Requisits: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health
Distributed representation of “what” and “where” information in the parahippocampal region
A Fernández-Ruiz, A Oliva
Journal of Neuroscience 36 (32), 8286-8288, 2016
Requisits: European Commission
Hippocampal area CA2 controls seizure dynamics, interictal EEG abnormalities and social comorbidity in mouse models of temporal lobe epilepsy
CP Lisgaras, A Oliva, S Mckenzie, J LaFrancois, SA Siegelbaum, ...
BioRxiv, 2023.01. 15.524149, 2023
Requisits: US National Institutes of Health
CA2 physiology underlying social memory
A Oliva
Current Opinion in Neurobiology 77, 102642, 2022
Requisits: US National Institutes of Health
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