Articles amb requisits d'accés públic - Benito ArruñadaMés informació
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Markets for Public Services: Strong Incentives vs. Comprehensive Planning?
B Arruñada
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, March, 2013
Requisits: Government of Spain
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Mandatory accounting disclosure by small private companies
B Arruñada
European Journal of Law and Economics 32, 377-413, 2011
Requisits: Government of Spain
Blockchain: The birth of decentralized governance
B Arruñada, L Garicano
Pompeu Fabra University, Economics and business working paper series 1608, 2018
Requisits: Government of Spain
Property as sequential exchange: The forgotten limits of private contract
B Arruñada
Journal of Institutional Economics 13 (4), 753-783, 2017
Requisits: Government of Spain
Evolving practice in land demarcation
B Arruñada
Land Use Policy 77, 661-675, 2018
Requisits: Government of Spain
Property rights in sequential exchange
B Arruñada, G Zanarone, N Garoupa
The Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization 35 (1), 127-153, 2019
Requisits: Government of Spain
Fragile markets: An experiment on judicial independence
B Arruñada, M Casari
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 129, 142-156, 2016
Requisits: Government of Spain
Property as an economic concept: reconciling legal and economic conceptions of property rights in a Coasean framework
B Arruñada
International Review of Economics 59, 121-144, 2012
Requisits: Government of Spain
Prospects of blockchain in contract and property
B Arruñada
European Property Law Journal 8 (3), 231-259, 2020
Requisits: Government of Spain
Religion and the European Union
B Arruñada, M Krapf
Advances in the Economics of Religion, 295-308, 2019
Requisits: Government of Spain
Pro-sociality and strategic reasoning in economic decisions
B Arruñada, M Casari, F Pancotto
Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience 9, 140, 2015
Requisits: European Commission, Government of Spain, Government of Italy
How Rome Enabled Impersonal Markets
B Arruñada
Explorations in Economic History 61, 68-84, 2016
Requisits: Government of Spain
The impact of behavioural assumptions on management ability: A test based on the earnings of MBA graduates
B Arruñada, XH Vázquez
Management and Organization Review 9 (2), 209-232, 2013
Requisits: Government of Spain
The Trade-off Between Ex Ante and Ex Post Transaction Costs: Evidence from Legal Opionions
B Arruñada, CA Manzanares
Berkeley Bus. LJ 13, 217, 2016
Requisits: Government of Spain
B Arruñada
Man and the Economy 1 (2), 209-230, 2014
Requisits: Government of Spain
Organizing public good provision: lessons from managerial accounting
B Arruñada, S Hansen
International Review of Law and Economics 42, 185-191, 2015
Requisits: Government of Spain
Malas leyes
B Arruñada
ICE, Revista de Economía, 2020
Requisits: Government of Spain
How should we model property? Thinking with my critics
B Arruñada
Requisits: Government of Spain
Land Titling and Litigation
B Arruñada, M Fabbri, M Faure
The Journal of Law and Economics 65 (1), 131-156, 2022
Requisits: Government of Spain
The impact of experience on how we perceive the rule of law
B Arruñada
Journal of Institutional Economics 16 (3), 251-269, 2020
Requisits: Government of Spain
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