Articles amb requisits d'accés públic - Kyle R MorrisseyMés informació
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Implicit math-gender stereotype present in adults but not in 8th grade
K Morrissey, D Hallett, A Bakhtiar, C Fitzpatrick
Journal of adolescence 74, 173-182, 2019
Requisits: US National Institutes of Health, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research …
Finger-counting habits, not finger movements, predict simple arithmetic problem solving
K Morrissey, D Hallett, R Wynes, J Kang, M Han
Psychological research 84, 140-151, 2020
Requisits: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
The relation between academic abilities and performance in realistic word problems
CL Fitzpatrick, D Hallett, KR Morrissey, NR Yıldız, R Wynes, F Ayesu
Learning and Individual Differences 83, 101942, 2020
Requisits: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Response sentences, examples, and authenticity do not help children solve real wor (l) d problems
CL Fitzpatrick, D Hallett, KR Morrissey, NR Yıldız, R Wynes, F Ayesu
Learning and Instruction 61, 111-125, 2019
Requisits: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Social Sciences …
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