Manikya Alister
Manikya Alister
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How does aging affect social attention? A test of competing theories using multilevel meta-analysis
KT McKay, LA Talipski, SA Grainger, M Alister, JD Henry
The Journals of Gerontology: Series B 77 (8), 1454-1463, 2022
How do we choose our giants? Perceptions of replicability in psychological science
M Alister, R Vickers-Jones, DK Sewell, T Ballard
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 4 (2 …, 2021
Source independence affects argument persuasiveness when the relevance is clear
M Alister, A Perfors, K Ransom
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 44 (44), 2022
Uncovering the Cognitive Mechanisms Underlying the Gaze Cueing Effect
M Alister, KT McKay, DK Sewell, NJ Evans
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology,, 2023
The Impact of Cognitive Resource Constraints on Goal Prioritization
M Alister, SL Herbert, DK Sewell, A Neal, T Ballard
Cognitive Psychology, 2024
Sensitivity to Online Consensus Effects Within Individuals and Claim Types
M Alister, KJ Ransom, S Connor Desai, EV Soh, B Hayes, A Perfors
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 46, 2024
Enhancing Ecological Validity of Gaze-Cueing Stimuli is Associated with Increased Gaze Following for Older but not Younger Adults
KT McKay, SA Grainger, M Alister, JD Henry
Psychology and Aging, 2023
ParAcT-DDM: A diffusion-based framework for modelling systematic, time-varying cognitive processes
M Alister, NJ Evans
PsyArxiv, 2024
Cardiorespiratory fitness and muscular strength do not predict social cognitive capacity in older age
SA Grainger, JD Henry, M Alister, XE Bourdaniotis, J Mead, TG Bailey, ...
The Journals of Gerontology: Series B 78 (11), 1824-1833, 2023
Inferring the truth from deception: What can people learn from helpful and unhelpful information providers?
M Alister, K Ransom, A Perfors
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 45 (45), 2023
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Articles 1–10