Articles amb requisits d'accés públic - Marjan RazaniMés informació
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Comparative study on the detection of early dental caries using thermo-photonic lock-in imaging and optical coherence tomography
Elnaz B. Shokouhi, Marjan Razani, Ashish Gupta, and Nima Tabatabaei
Biomedical optics express 9 (9), 3983-3997, 2018
Requisits: Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Natural Sciences and Engineering …
Lock-in thermography using a cellphone attachment infrared camera
M Razani, A Parkhimchyk, N Tabatabaei
Aip Advances 8 (3), 2018
Requisits: Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Natural Sciences and Engineering …
Dynamic light scattering optical coherence tomography to probe motion of subcellular scatterers
NJJ Arezza, M Razani, MC Kolios
Journal of biomedical optics 24 (2), 025002-025002, 2019
Requisits: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
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