Articles amb requisits d'accés públic - Montse SolsonaMés informació
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Separation and divorce in Spain
M Solsona, R Houle, C Simó
Gender Inequalities in Southern Europe, 195-222, 2014
Requisits: Government of Spain
Divorce and gendered family (re) configurations in a sample of employed and higher educated mothers and fathers
M Solsona, L Ferrer, C Simó-Noguera, J Spijker
Journal of Divorce & Remarriage 61 (7), 463-486, 2020
Requisits: Government of Spain
In the case of union dissolution of couples with children. Who decides to avoid the courts and why?
A Gómez-Casillas, M Ajenjo, M Solsona
Journal of Family Issues 43 (5), 1288-1307, 2022
Requisits: Government of Spain
Influence du Code civil 2010 sur les décisions de garde partagée des parents divorcés en Catalogne et en Espagne
M Solsona, J Spijker
POPULATION Édition française, 313-341, 2016
Requisits: Government of Spain
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Effects of the 2010 Civil Code on trends in joint physical custody in Catalonia. A comparison with the rest of Spain
M Solsona, J Spijker
Population 71 (2), 297-323, 2016
Requisits: Government of Spain
Why it’s so hard? Exploring social barriers for the deployment of thermal energy storage in Spanish buildings
M Simó-Solsona, M Palumbo, M Bosch, AI Fernandez
Energy research & social science 76, 102057, 2021
Requisits: Government of Spain
Influence du Code civil catalan (2010) sur les décisions de garde partagée. Comparaisons entre la Catalogne et le reste de Espagne
M Solsona, J Spijker
Population 71 (2), 313-341, 2016
Requisits: Government of Spain
Double invisibility: the effects of hidden unemployment on vulnerable populations in southern European countries during the COVID-19 pandemic
L Suárez-Grimalt, A Coco-Prieto, M Simó-Solsona
Revista Española de Sociología 31 (4), 1-24, 2022
Requisits: Government of Spain
The End of “Business As Usual”? Reimagining Barcelona Tourism After (COVID)-19
D Bishop, M Pareja-Eastaway, MS Solsona
Tourism Culture & Communication 23 (2-3), 279-294, 2023
Requisits: European Commission
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