Articles amb requisits d'accés públic - Jonathan HaidtMés informació
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Ownership is (likely to be) a moral foundation.
M Atari, J Haidt
Behavioral & Brain Sciences 46, 2023
Requisits: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Puritanism needs purity, and moral psychology needs pluralism.
J Graham, M Atari, M Dehghani, J Haidt
Behavioral & Brain Sciences 46, 2023
Requisits: National Natural Science Foundation of China, Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Disponibles en algun lloc: 12
Liberals and conservatives rely on different sets of moral foundations.
J Graham, J Haidt, BA Nosek
Journal of personality and social psychology 96 (5), 1029, 2009
Requisits: US National Institutes of Health
Mapping the moral domain.
J Graham, BA Nosek, J Haidt, R Iyer, S Koleva, PH Ditto
Journal of personality and social psychology 101 (2), 366, 2011
Requisits: US National Institutes of Health
Disgust as embodied moral judgment
S Schnall, J Haidt, GL Clore, AH Jordan
Personality and social psychology bulletin 34 (8), 1096-1109, 2008
Requisits: US National Institutes of Health
Witnessing excellence in action: The ‘other-praising’emotions of elevation, gratitude, and admiration
SB Algoe, J Haidt
The journal of positive psychology 4 (2), 105-127, 2009
Requisits: US National Institutes of Health
Beyond reciprocity: gratitude and relationships in everyday life.
SB Algoe, J Haidt, SL Gable
Emotion 8 (3), 425, 2008
Requisits: US National Institutes of Health
CLM Keyes, J Haidt
The Corsini encyclopedia of psychology 1, 2010
Requisits: US National Institutes of Health
Morality beyond the WEIRD: How the nomological network of morality varies across cultures.
M Atari, J Haidt, J Graham, S Koleva, ST Stevens, M Dehghani
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2023
Requisits: US National Science Foundation
Finding the self in self-transcendent emotions
J Haidt, JP Morris
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (19), 7687-7688, 2009
Requisits: US National Institutes of Health
Neural basis of moral elevation demonstrated through inter-subject synchronization of cortical activity during free-viewing
ZA Englander, J Haidt, JP Morris
PloS one 7 (6), e39384, 2012
Requisits: US National Institutes of Health
Liberals condemn sacrilege too: The harmless desecration of Cerro Torre
JA Frimer, CE Tell, J Haidt
Social Psychological and Personality Science 6 (8), 878-886, 2015
Requisits: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada
The Moral Stereotypes of Liberals and Conservatives
J Graham, BA Nosek, J Haidt
Unpublished ms., Department of Psychology, University of Virginia. Available …, 2011
Requisits: US National Institutes of Health
Moral foundations in autistic people and people with systemizing minds
YDM Greenberg, R Holt, C Allison, P Smith, R Newman, ...
Molecular Autism 15 (1), 20, 2024
Requisits: UK Medical Research Council, National Institute for Health Research, UK …
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