Andreas Vlachos
Andreas Vlachos
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Demand response in a real-time balancing market clearing with pay-as-bid pricing
AG Vlachos, PN Biskas
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 4 (4), 1966-1975, 2013
Balancing supply and demand under mixed pricing rules in multi-area electricity markets
AG Vlachos, PN Biskas
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 26 (3), 1444-1453, 2010
Simultaneous clearing of energy and reserves in multi-area markets under mixed pricing rules
AG Vlachos, PN Biskas
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 26 (4), 2460-2471, 2011
Optimal power flow considering operation of wind parks and pump storage hydro units under large scale integration of renewable energy sources
G Contaxis, A Vlachos
2000 IEEE Power Engineering Society Winter Meeting. Conference Proceedings …, 2000
Adjustable profile blocks with spatial relations in the day-ahead electricity market
AG Vlachos, PN Biskas
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 28 (4), 4578-4587, 2013
Hierarchical Decision Making for Aggregated Energy Management of Distributed Resources
GE Asimakopoulou, AG Vlachos, ND Hatziargyriou
IEEE, 2015
An integrated intuitive exchange-and flow-based market clearing model
AG Vlachos, PN Biskas
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 31 (5), 4076-4086, 2015
Embedding renewable energy pricing policies in day-ahead electricity market clearing
AG Vlachos, PN Biskas
Electric power systems research 116, 311-321, 2014
Constrained optimal power flow in electrical energy grids with large integration of dispatchable wind energy and independent wind power producers
G Contaxis, A Vlachos
1999 European Wind Energy Conference, 429-432, 2014
Comparison of two mathematical programming models for the solution of a convex portfolio-based European day-ahead electricity market
AG Vlachos, GA Dourbois, PN Biskas
Electric Power Systems Research 141, 313-324, 2016
A new concept for the clearing of European Power Exchange day-ahead markets with complex orders
GA Dourbois, PN Biskas, AG Vlachos
11th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM14), 1-6, 2014
Modeling zonal exchanges and nodal system representation in multi-zonal spot electricity markets
AG Vlachos, PN Biskas
Electric Power Systems Research 196, 107172, 2021
Impacts of reserves and fixed costs on Greece’s day-ahead scheduling problem
P Andrianesis, G Liberopoulos, K Sakellaris, A Vlachos
Promitheas-2 International Black Sea Energy Policy Conference “Energy …, 2008
Economic Scheduling Functions in MORE CARE
MA Matos, JL Pinto, G Contaxis, A Vlachos, PS Dokopoulos
Proc. of MedPower02, MED02/004 Athens, 2002
Consideration of wind parks operation in the optimal power flow problem
GC Contaxis, AG Vlachos
Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE Budapest Power Tech Conference, BPT99-211-05, 1999
Developing a simulator for the Greek electricity market
K Sakellaris, A Vlachos, K Perrakis, MC Caramanis, S Deb
Bilevel model for retail electricity pricing
GE Asimakopoulou, AG Vlachos, ND Hatziargyriou
Operations Research Proceedings 2015: Selected Papers of the International …, 2017
Multi-Area Market Clearing with Complex Pricing Rules
AG Vlachos, PN Biskas
17th Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC), 2011
Economic operation of isolated networks with wind power
MA Matos, V Miranda, M Proença, PS Hang, JL Pinto, G Contaxis, ...
Wind Engineering, 89-105, 1999
Integrated zonal-exchange and nodal-flow clearing model in multi-zonal spot electricity markets
A Vlachos, P Biskas
2019 IEEE Milan PowerTech, 1-6, 2019
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Articles 1–20