Wahyuddin Albra
Wahyuddin Albra
Dosen Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Malikussaleh
Correu electrònic verificat a - Pàgina d'inici
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Investigation of the bitcoin effects on the country revenues via virtual tax transactions for purchasing management
RN Ilham, KAF Erlina, AS Silalahi, J Saputra, W Albra
Int. J Sup. Chain. Mgt Vol 8 (6), 737, 2019
Metodologi Penelitian Bisnis: Untuk Akuntansi dan Manajemen
A Ikhsan
Citapustaka media 1 (1), 2014
Hoaks dan media sosial: saring sebelum sharing
J Simarmata, M Iqbal, MS Hasibuan, T Limbong, W Albra
Yayasan Kita Menulis, 2019
Modeling data containing outliers using ARIMA additive outlier (ARIMA-AO)
AS Ahmar, S Guritno, A Rahman, I Minggi, MA Tiro, MK Aidid, S Annas, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 954 (1), 012010, 2018
What is the determinant of non-performing financing in Branch Sharia Regional Bank in Indonesia
Damanhur, W Albra, G Syamni, M Habibie
Proceedings of MICoMS 2017, 265-271, 2018
Pengaruh kinerja keuangan perusahaan manufaktur terhadap return saham di bursa efek indonesia
J Ganto, M Khadafi, W Albra, G Syamni
Media Riset Akuntansi, Auditing & Informasi 8 (1), 85-96, 2008
Dynamic performance of Indonesian public companies: An analysis of financial decision behavior
D Muchtar, F Mat Nor, W Albra, M Arifai, AS Ahmar
Cogent Economics & Finance 6 (1), 1488343, 2018
A study of supply chain manangement of board composition, enterprise risk management, and performance of non and Islamic companies in Indonesia
S Husaini, J Saputra, W Albra
International Journal of Supply Chain Management 8 (5), 349-357, 2019
The investment behavior through supply chain strategy of acehness entrepreneurs, Indonesia
Y Iswadi, J Saputra, M Haykal, W Albra
International Journal of Supply Chain Management 8 (5), 948-957, 2019
An exploring the factors structure of human resource of supply chain management based entrepreneurship in Aceh, Indonesia
A Idris, J Saputra, W Albra
International Journal of Supply Chain Management 8 (5), 1060-1065, 2019
Hypertensive retinopathy identification through retinal fundus image using backpropagation neural network
MF Syahputra, C Amalia, RF Rahmat, D Abdullah, D Napitupulu, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 978 (1), 012106, 2018
Implementation of augmented reality to train focus on children with s pecial needs
MF Syahputra, PP Sari, D Arisandi, D Abdullah, D Napitupulu, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 978, 012109, 2018
Pengantar Bisnis
LA Margie, DR Triputra, M Darmansyah
Banten: Unpam Press), Hal 23, 2020
Analysis of technology acceptance model (TAM) on e-learning system
D Napitupulu, J Simarmata, LA Abdillah, MI Setiawan, AS Ahmar, ...
2017 International Conference on Education and Technology (2017 ICEduTech …, 2017
The effect of gross domestic product and population growth on CO2 emissions in Indonesia: An application of the ant colony optimisation algorithm and cobb-douglas model
W Albra, T Zulham, I Majid, J Saputra, B Subartini, F Thalia
International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy 9 (4), 313-319, 2019
Teknologi Jaringan Wireless; Koneksi Tanpa Kabel
J Simarmata, D Abdullah, W Albra
Graha Ilmu, 2019
Identification Male Fertility Through Abnormalities Sperm Based Morphology (Teratospermia) using Invariant Moment Method
MF Syahputra, R Chairani, RF Rahmat, D Abdullah, D Napitupulu, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 978 (1), 012107, 2018
Metodologi Penelitian Bisnis Untuk Skripsi
A Ikhsan, N Aziza, A Hayat, S Lesmana, W Albra, M Khaddafi, A Oktaviani
Thesis & Disertasi. Medan: Madenatera, 2018
Ekonomi Publik
B Purba, W Albra, A Rahman, PB Purba, NA Nugraha, HM Irawati, A Syafii, ...
Yayasan Kita Menulis, 2021
The Role of Halal Awareness on the Relationship between Religiosity and Halal Purchase Intention
W Albra, D Muchtar, N Nurlela, M Muliani, R Safitri, FZ Nisa
International Journal of Islamic Economics and Finance (IJIEF) 6 (2), 312-336, 2023
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Articles 1–20