Rebecca Manners Diehl
Rebecca Manners Diehl
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Structure and hydraulics of natural woody debris jams
RB Manners, MW Doyle, MJ Small
Water Resources Research 43 (6), 2007
Mechanisms of vegetation-induced channel narrowing of an unregulated canyon river: Results from a natural field-scale experiment
RB Manners, JC Schmidt, ML Scott
Geomorphology 211, 100-115, 2014
A mechanistic model of woody debris jam evolution and its application to wood‐based restoration and management
RB Manners, MW Doyle
River Research and Applications 24 (8), 1104-1123, 2008
When do plants modify fluvial processes? Plant‐hydraulic interactions under variable flow and sediment supply rates
RB Manners, AC Wilcox, L Kui, AF Lightbody, JC Stella, LS Sklar
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 120 (2), 325-345, 2015
Multiscalar model for the determination of spatially explicit riparian vegetation roughness
R Manners, J Schmidt, JM Wheaton
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 118 (1), 65-83, 2013
Applying functional traits to ecogeomorphic processes in riparian ecosystems
RM Diehl, DM Merritt, AC Wilcox, ML Scott
Bioscience 67 (8), 729-743, 2017
Floodplain development, El Niño, and cultural consequences in a hyperarid Andean environment
RB Manners, FJ Magilligan, PS Goldstein
Annals of the Association of American Geographers 97 (2), 229-249, 2007
Late Quaternary hydroclimatology of a hyper-arid Andean watershed: Climate change, floods, and hydrologic responses to the El Niño-Southern Oscillation in the Atacama Desert
FJ Magilligan, PS Goldstein, GB Fisher, BC Bostick, RB Manners
Geomorphology 101 (1-2), 14-32, 2008
The influence of a vegetated bar on channel-bend flow dynamics
S Bywater-Reyes, RM Diehl, AC Wilcox
Earth Surface Dynamics 6 (2), 487-503, 2018
Fluvial sediment supply and pioneer woody seedlings as a control on bar‐surface topography
RM Diehl, AC Wilcox, JC Stella, L Kui, LS Sklar, A Lightbody
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 42 (5), 724-734, 2017
Multiscale influence of woody riparian vegetation on fluvial topography quantified with ground‐based and airborne lidar
S Bywater‐Reyes, AC Wilcox, RM Diehl
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 122 (6), 1218-1235, 2017
Hydrologic versus geomorphic limitation on CPOM storage in stream ecosystems
MJ Small, MW Doyle, RL Fuller, RB Manners
Freshwater Biology 53 (8), 1618-1631, 2008
Improving flood hazard datasets using a low-complexity, probabilistic floodplain mapping approach
RM Diehl, JD Gourevitch, S Drago, BC Wemple
PloS one 16 (3), e0248683, 2021
Development of an eco-geomorphic modeling framework to evaluate riparian ecosystem response to flow-regime changes
RM Diehl, AC Wilcox, DM Merritt, DW Perkins, JA Scott
Ecological Engineering 123, 112-126, 2018
A Green New Balance: Interactions among riparian vegetation plant traits and morphodynamics in alluvial rivers
S Bywater‐Reyes, RM Diehl, AC Wilcox, JC Stella, L Kui
Earth surface processes and landforms 47 (10), 2410-2436, 2022
Evaluation of the integrated riparian ecosystem response to future flow regimes on semiarid rivers in Colorado, USA
RM Diehl, AC Wilcox, JC Stella
Journal of environmental management 271, 111037, 2020
Inequities in the distribution of flood risk under floodplain restoration and climate change scenarios
JD Gourevitch, RM Diehl, BC Wemple, TH Ricketts
People and Nature 4 (2), 415-427, 2022
Balancing multiple stakeholder objectives for floodplain reconnection and wetland restoration
LC Worley, KL Underwood, RM Diehl, JE Matt, KS Lawson, RM Seigel, ...
Journal of Environmental Management 326, 116648, 2023
Potential for soil legacy phosphorus release from restored riparian wetlands within an agricultural landscape
ARH Wiegman, GH Myers, IC Augustin, ML Kubow, MJ Fein-Cole, ...
Biogeochemistry 161 (2), 137-156, 2022
Can environmental flows moderate riparian invasions? The influence of seedling morphology and density on scour losses in experimental floods
L Kui, JC Stella, RM Diehl, AC Wilcox, A Lightbody, LS Sklar
Freshwater biology 64 (3), 474-484, 2019
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Articles 1–20