Christoph Mudersbach, Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Christoph Mudersbach, Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Professor of Hydraulic Engineering, Bochum University of Applied Sciences
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Assessing the hydrodynamic boundary conditions for risk analyses in coastal areas: a multivariate statistical approach based on Copula functions
T Wahl, C Mudersbach, J Jensen
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 12 (2), 495-510, 2012
Nonstationary extreme value analysis of annual maximum water levels for designing coastal structures on the German North Sea coastline
C Mudersbach, J Jensen
Journal of Flood Risk Management 3 (1), 52-62, 2010
Evidence for long‐term memory in sea level
S Dangendorf, D Rybski, C Mudersbach, A Müller, E Kaufmann, E Zorita, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 41 (15), 5530-5537, 2014
Trends in high sea levels of German North Sea gauges compared to regional mean sea level changes
C Mudersbach, T Wahl, ID Haigh, J Jensen
Continental Shelf Research 65, 111-120, 2013
Characteristics of intra-, inter-annual and decadal sea-level variability and the role of meteorological forcing: the long record of Cuxhaven
S Dangendorf, C Mudersbach, T Wahl, J Jensen
Ocean Dynamics 63, 209-224, 2013
Mean sea level variability and influence of the North Atlantic Oscillation on long-term trends in the German Bight
S Dangendorf, T Wahl, H Hein, J Jensen, S Mai, C Mudersbach
Water 4 (1), 170-195, 2012
Statistical methods for the analysis of simulated and observed climate data: applied in projects and institutions dealing with climate change impact and adaptation
B Hennemuth, S Bender, K Bülow, N Dreier, E Keup-Thiel, O Krüger, ...
CSC, 2013
Zeitliche Anderungen in den Wasserstandszeitreihen an den Deutschen Kusten
J Jensen, C Mudersbach
Berichte zur deutschen Landeskunde 81 (2), 99, 2007
Assessing the hydrodynamic boundary conditions for risk analyses in coastal areas: a stochastic storm surge model
T Wahl, C Mudersbach, J Jensen
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 11 (11), 2925-2939, 2011
A multivariate statistical model for advanced storm surge analyses in the North Sea
T Wahl, J Jensen, C Mudersbach
Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Coastal Engineering …, 2010
Modellgestützte Untersuchungen zu Sturmfluten mit sehr geringen Eintrittswahrscheinlichkeiten an der deutschen Nordseeküste
J Jensen, C Mudersbach, SH Müller-Navarra, I Bork, C Koziar, V Renner
Die Küste 71, 123-167, 2006
XtremRisK—integrated flood risk analysis for extreme storm surges at open coasts and in estuaries: methodology, key results and lessons learned
H Oumeraci, A Kortenhaus, A Burzel, M Naulin, DR Dassanayake, ...
Coastal engineering journal 57 (01), 1540001, 2015
Seasonal to decadal forcing of high water level percentiles in the German Bight throughout the last century
S Dangendorf, C Mudersbach, J Jensen, G Anette, H Heinrich
Ocean Dynamics 63, 533-548, 2013
Integrated flood risk analysis for extreme storm surges (XtremRisK)
A Burzel, DR Dassanayake, M Naulin, A Kortenhaus, H Oumeraci, T Wahl, ...
Coastal Engineering, 2, 2010
Einheitliches Konzept zur Bewertung von Starkregenereignissen mittels Starkregenindex
TG Schmitt, M Krüger, A Pfister, M Becker, C Mudersbach, L Fuchs, ...
Korrespondenz Abwasser Abfall 65 (2), 113-120, 2018
Statistical assessment of storm surge scenarios within integrated risk analyses
T Wahl, C Mudersbach, J Jensen
Coastal Engineering Journal 57 (01), 1540003, 2015
The seasonal mean sea level cycle in the southeastern North Sea
S Dangendorf, T Wahl, C Mudersbach, J Jensen
Journal of Coastal Research, 1915-1920, 2013
Hydrological changes in tidal estuaries due to natural and anthropogenic effects
J Jensen, C Mudersbach, C Blasi
6th international MEDCOAST 2003 conference, Ravenna, Italy, 2003
Ermittlung regionalisierter Extremwasserstände für die Schleswig-Holsteinische Nordseeküste
A Arns, T Wahl, S Dangendorf, C Mudersbach, J Jensen
Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung, HW57 6, 2013
Recent sea level variations at the North Sea and Baltic Sea coastlines
C Mudersbach, J Jensen
Coastal Engineering 2006: (In 5 Volumes), 1764-1774, 2007
En aquests moments el sistema no pot dur a terme l'operació. Torneu-ho a provar més tard.
Articles 1–20